August 22nd, 2010



Mocha, Afternoon, Ang, OTA/MW

Alec was upstairs with Gavin, but Ang had been down to the laundry with a full week's laundry to do. For now, while the machines worked their magic, she sat in the Mocha, a pot of tea and the contents of two mailboxes on the table in front of her. Mostly it was for her, but there were two bags beside her, one for Emma, and one for Alec, into which she put the occasional piece. A far larger bag contained junk mail that she would simply dump into the recycling on her way back up.

Pulling another envelope from the top of the pile she put a hand out, but not fast enough to stop several pieces of paper from sliding off onto the floor. "Drat," she muttered, both hands now busy holding the pile stable, "not quite what I expected to happen. But I suppose I should have planned for it too, something usually manages to go wrong just lately." She'd have to pick up the others in a second.
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Pinned to boards in the Lobby, mailroom and Mocha



We are pleased to announce that the pool house
will be open again on Friday 3rd September.

We apologise for the delay.

Morningstar Manor Tenants' Association



Apt 113, Morning, Emma and Lucas, Closed.

Emma woke up in an unfamiliar position, and with an unfamiliar arm thrown over her waist. For a brief second she panicked, then she remembered and relaxed again with a smile. Last night had gone rather better than she'd hoped....

A CD of meditation music had given her the idea, the soft susurrus of the wind playing through leaves had her thinking romantic comedies, lowered lighting, and of course then she'd rearranged the lounge and her bedroom, before really cleaning up the apartment and then herself. By about nine she was ready, with pizza ordered, and the pets fed and settled. Not that she expected either Lily or Mr Cat to respect her wishes in that respect, oh no, but at least they might be more accepting.

It had been great though, the movies, the pizza, the beer, the cuddling on the sofa, and then the offer to stay, at which point he could have said no and gone home, but, dear lord, if she hadn't been imagining it, his eyes had lit up and that was that, they'd locked up the apartment and gone to bed.

She did wonder if she should get up, make coffee, but then, no, she was comfy right where she was thanks, and besides, she had the wicked idea of getting him to get up and make her a cup of tea! That would only be fair since she'd sorted out dinner and everything last night right? Yeah... now, if he'd just wake up....
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