March 20th, 2010



Letter to Bea

Eli had gotten himself in a bit of hot water with their last conversation, and the result was a weekend of work. He did manage to set down and write her out a letter though, which wasn't as long as he wanted but it explained what was going on here.

Letter #40 )
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Joel and Gil at the Flamngo Lounge. Friday afternoon


Joel decided Friday later afternoon/early evening to walk down to the Flamingo lounge.  It was not far from the Manor.  He had written Gil’s name down and wanted to introduce himself and talk to him for a few moments before the evening crowd came in.

He enjoyed the warm air and made his way down the street, window shopping as he went.  He was slowly relaxing into his new life.  He missed London, but this choice was for the best.

Joel stepped into the foyer and looked around, heading towards the lounge.  He asked the bartender if Gil was in, and that Joel Castilloux was there to meet with him, a resident from the Manor.  The bartender nodded and said he would go check.

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Vine Square, noon-time [Urquhart OTA/MW]

It was a warm early spring day, and the Auberge had dared put out its tables for the Saturday shoppers, and there were quite a number sitting out there, old regulars as well as passing strangers. Nobody would notice a newcomer.

Not even the very tall and broad-shouldered man with the short silvery hair, somewhere in his fifties, who was stretching out long legs in scruffy hiking boots. He was drinking café au lait and eating pumpkin tart while lazily watching people passing by, with special interest in the female part of the crowd.

Under his table, there were several shopping bags from stores around Vine Square, and one from Michaels Brothers.

Just some passing stranger enjoying a sunny Saturday in the newly trendy part of town.