January 31st, 2010


Saturday; Pandapartment to hospital; Bridget, Phin, Grigori, Layla, Neil, kids, dramz

It was happening again. One second Bridget was sitting on the floor, building a cardboard brick fortress with the kids, and then the next it was like all the air pushed out of her and that surprisingly familiar feeling of someone else inside her head was back. The fortress didn't last long after that and the kids, now frightened for reasons they couldn't really figure out, were soon forgotten as Bridget found herself abandoning them in favor of the balcony attached to the master bedroom. Her brain said she wanted to feel the wind on her face.

To be continued in comments. )

Declan and Sterrin; Sunday; Apt. 11201


There were noises coming from her brother's bedroom that she was definitely not going to listen to or try to identify, lest it give her a mental image that made her want to scoop her brain out. She concentrated very hard on pouring her cup of coffee, and a trip to the refrigerator for milk brought her closer to Declan's bedroom door. She tried very hard to block it out, but... Was he crying?


Isabella and NPC Robert Rossi; Rossi Upstate NY Estate; Sunday


Her father had sent a plane ticket and a car to retrieve her from the airport and on the surface it looked like a kind gesture. In fact it was simply his own little way of controlling things. She could only leave when he wanted her to, then. Before if he'd have called and requested a meeting with her concerning 'family' business, she would have not so politely reminded him that he'd made sure she wasn't a part of the family anymore and told him to kiss her ass. But, it wasn't what her mother would have wanted. 
And sadly, with her mother gone, Robert was the last little bit of family that she had left.

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Apt 14249, Sunday evening, Deacon and Chas

Pleasantly full of roast chicken with all the trimmings, Charlie leaned against Deacon's shoulder and ate another spoonful of pudding. Warmed brownies with best quality vanilla ice cream - mmmm. And that the brownies had a little pinch of something extra added to them only enhanced the flavour in Charlie's opinion.

Nia had gone to bed without a murmur so they were having another go at watching Sherlock Holmes and were well over half way through. It was brilliant.

Life couldn't get much better than this as far as Charlie was concerned.
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