November 5th, 2009


Isabella and Sterrin, De Rossi office. Thursday

It was going to be a short day, Isabella decided as she checked off her appointment book. Having Del around really helped with the load more than she anticipated and things had even started getting done early. It was nice. It made for days like this one, when she could go home and spend some time with Micah before he had to go to work.
The last thing she had to do today was hand out a schedule for Sterrin. She'd been working for three days and already the dates were rolling in. Word must really travel fast. Sterrin had even already been on a date with Max of all people, and Isabella had to wonder about that.



To the usual suspects from D and Charlie



Thanksgiving will soon be here and we'd like to invite you to spend the day with us at 14249.

Hope you can make it.

xx Deacon, Nia and Charlie



Voicemail for Emily

"Hey honey, is it today you go back to work? If it is please let me know because I'll make arrangements to take you and come and pick you up afterwards. Lemme know huh?"