October 26th, 2009



Package for Emily, left in her mailbox.

The packet had arrived in her mailbox by hand quite late on Sunday night. It said so on the stamp that he'd stamped onto the front of the thick envelope. Of course it was risky, but, he was fairly sure it was a risk worth taking, and besides, he'd waited until that Vinnie guy was off the front desk before delivering it directly to the mailbox and not leaving it at the front desk. He still wasn't sure how he'd got away with that either.

The envelope contained a couple of DVD's, rushes and audition tapes of various chefs, a thin flat box containing a slab of hand made dark chocolate. The chocolate was decorated with white and milk chocolate, and little edible gold leaf stars. There was also a brief note scrawled in his bold hand...

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Isabella and Trevor, De Rossi Office, Monday

Isabella had her earbuds in and her iPod turned way up, a carton of Chinese food sitting on her desk as she stood looking through the closet in her office on her lunch break. She was happy. Insanely so.

Voicemail left for Tom, Monday Evening

Considering everything, going to welcome him home in person straight off might not have been the best idea, so Jazz settled for calling him...and tried not to be too disappointed when she got his voice mail.

Hola, Senor...Remember me? I hope so because all the best gossip has it that your back in town and I was thinking if you could manage to pry yourself away from the - She paused, apparently searching for an appropriate word. - restaurant for a night I would 'love' to give you a proper homecoming.... There was a soft laugh. Let me know, hmm?
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UK; Norton Wood Farm, after lunch,

The honeymoon was over but Charlie had wanted to have one last little party before they left. So all his available friends, plus Mum and Dad had come to lunch to empty the fridge and drink the last of the beer and wine.

Then they washed up and spent ome time lounging about, chatting, walking in the garden and generally amusing themselves while they waited for the minibus driver to come and pick them all up to take them to Heathrow.

Nick took a swig from his beer bottle and looked over the fields with a sigh. It was too peaceful here. He couldn't wait to be back in the City.



Tuscany Restaurant, afternoon. Emily, various Orsini's

The entire available Orsini family had gathered to fete the guest of honour and a good lunch had been had by all. Or so Enzo hoped, at least. Haut cuisine was a bit above simple peasant food but these recipes were tried and tested and the Orsini's at least were pleased.

Vincenzo looked a bit thoughtful - but then maybe he was tired? Working nights must be a beggar.

Enzo raised his glass and said, "Here's to next year - and two more stars!"