August 30th, 2009


Anastasia on the 13th floor, then later with Tristan.

It had been a weird day, Anastasia decided. Trevor and Gavin had left early to go do something with their father and she'd been by herself all day. There was something about the apartment that just wasn't sitting right. She kept feeling things like brief touches and strange gusts of cold wind that just couldn't be real. The second time she saw a woman out of the corner of her eye that disappeared the moment she turned to look at her full on, she put in a call to Tristan for some quality BFF time at his place.  She had to get out of there.
After a quick change into a pair of jeans that he'd helped her pick out and a pale blue tank top, she grabbed her purse and her camera for random ninja-ing and headed to the elevator. She pressed the 12 button without much thought as it was something she'd done quite frequently and waited as the elevator started to rise. She started watching the numbers out of habit as they slowly ticked by. 6.... 7.... 8...  I should have brought some food, she mused to herself as she glanced away from the numbers to look down at her cell phone, contemplating whether she should call Tristan and ask what sort of snacks he was in the mood for then glancing back up at the floors as they ticked by. 10... 11... 12.
Might as well just ask him in person, she thought as she stepped to the doors, waiting for them to open.
Except they didn't. The elevator didn't pause, it didn't even hesitate. Instead, it went up one more and stopped on... 13?
uh oh... )



Memphis in the Gym, Sunday afternoon OTA

After the events of last night, Memphis had kept a lid on his temper. It had taken a huge effort, but leaving the party early wit Jane helped. Then going home and bashing the crap out of some virtual cars on the demolition derby game helped more.

Now he was in the gym, beating the sand around in the punching bag as he pictured Avery, not being able to slink away into a dark corner like he had last night.

Delivery to Jazz

On Sunday following the wedding, there was a knock on Jazz's door. It was a flower delivery to Estrella Gonzales, not Cleo no matter how jealous she would be. The flowers had a small note attached to them - it read very simply,

Thank you bonita,
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