August 2nd, 2009


Angels Spa; Afternoon; Gabe, Kris and OTA

Opening day had gone quite well. They'd had a good number of people coming in - some to get work done and some just to see what all the fuss was about. The painted ceiling looked fantastic and that combined with the lighting and the video screens embedded in the walls like windows truly made you forget you were in a basement. As was usual with things like this the best advertising was word of mouth and Gabe had already heard several good things about their little spa being whispered around the Manor.

They had had a few clients this morning already and now were taking advantage of a quiet moment.

"Well this is going well," Gabe said, flipping through the appointment book. "Already have a few massages scheduled for the week."
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The basement, late morning [Andras OTA/MW]

It was late on Sunday morning, and Andras was wandering around by all those new facilities in the basement. Crèche! Spa! Why not steam baths next?

Apartment houses in Finland often had saunas in their basement, that all inhabitants could use according to some cunning rote, Leena had once told him. She seemed to think it disappointing that even Morningstar Manor didn't have one.

But now, really, Andras was thinking neither about saunas nor about photography much; he was traipsing around, coffee in hand, looking around with pure cat-killing curiosity.

Mocha, Late Morning, Jazz, Riley and OTA

Sunday morning found Jazz in the Mocha, enjoying a frothy drink,and wondering where her sister had gotten off to. Cleo hadn't been home when Jazz and woken up and the only clue she had was a vague note about needing to go somewhere.


Across the Mocha Riley was indulging a middle-aged woman with some insider information about From This Day Forward. Giving away plot secrets was something the writers technically frowned upon, but Riley didn't see anything wrong with making a fan's day.
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City Rec Center, After Hours @ Basketball Courts, Bridget & Phin

Phin had no idea why Bridget had finally agreed to meet with him and he was completely nervous about it. He would've rather met her at one of the apartments but he'd take what he could get. So he'd met her at the Rec center after hours and she'd led him to one of the basketball courts. He remembered when he used to actually coach one of the basketball teams here, which was how he'd met Bridget in the first place. He missed the coaching...and y'know, when Bridget actually liked him.

He fiddled with a basketball for a couple of minutes before he took a long shot from his spot and barely managed to make the shot. He turned toward Bridget and slipped his hands into his jean pockets as he looked at her. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to start or not. "So Neil and Layla are on the waiting list for the building?" He wondered if his confidence was ever going to return again when he was in her presence or if it was jut permanently wiped out from here on out regardless of what happened to them in the end.
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