July 28th, 2009



Text message for Niles from Andy

Hey babes, you okay? Am at work, got a new consignment of nudes!! Drop by and I'll buy you some caffeine? Andy
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Lobby and Mocha, Mid Morning, Cleo and OTA/MW

It had all started with the doorman, well of course he would open the door for her, that was his job, but it set the tone in her head, and she couldn't resist playing, never had been able to. Her whole posture had changed, and she'd literally swanned into the Manor lobby, the cabbie bringing her two huge suitcases and her rather large carry on as well. "Just leave those there darling, I'm sure they've got porters or something here."

She fished in her purse and paid the cabbie, "Keep the change, there's a sweetie, I can't be having all those heavy coins in my purse now can I?" She smiled as the cabbie nodded and backed away before scrambling out of the doors and back to his cab. Meanwhile, Cleo did a quick 360 turn, her sharp eyes noting the exits, the cameras, and the various people in the lobby. She smiled confidently at the man at the security desk, "I'm totally exhausted darling, so need a coffee, you can watch the bags for me right? I'll just be in there."

She waved at the Mocha, and without even waiting for an answer strolled nonchalantly into the Mocha and up to the counter. The lack of any long lines was a blessing, she really was tired, but, oh dear lord, look at the choices!!! This was Cleo's idea of heaven! So she ordered a double shot cappuccino with extra foam, and ooooh, the white chocolate chip muffins... Two of those. Now, where to wait for someone that wouldn't be too obvious, but at the same time, would allow her to see most clearly..... she picked a table, with a sofa, and having paid for her breakfast, headed over to sit down. Luckily she had a magazine with her, but she'd save that for later. Right now? After a long flight, and a boring wait in an airport, Cleo wanted some fun!



Apt 14249, afternoon, D and Charlie

It had been a horrible few days. Nia had grizzled on Friday but that had been nothing to her roars of discomfort and misery as the spots had spread across her body and her fury as Deacon and Charlie had had to take it in turned to stop her scratching them. She was hot and uncomfortable and very annoyed that they wouldn't let her do as she pleased and let the whole world know.

Now she was exhausted and sleeping in her stroller, face still flushed and dotted with calamine, sweaty red curls sticking to her head.

Charlie had pushed her through to the studio and was drawing while Deacon took a break. He divided his attention between her and his drawing of her as chibi Red Sonja wieliding Brian like a scimitar, and wondered how soon he could reasonably expect to get some sleep.

In the far corner behind his back, the shadowy corner by the cupboard, a little red spark lit at head height. It glowed then dulled, then glowed again.

Charlie yawned and shifted his shoulders then propped his head on his hand. Nia's drawing done he began to draw Deacon - mmmm, Deacon as Conan.

Well if the loincloth fits ...
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Mocha, late afternoon, Andy OTA

It had been a long day - very long. Sadie hadn't turned up for work so Leena and Andy had taken the desk and the office between them, turn and turn about.

Now Andy desperately needed a belt of caffeine before going home and dealing with her chores. Laundry - lovely!

She didn't even pretend to return Joy's sickly sweet grimace and merely grunted to her query as to how andy was doing. She knew she didn't look her best. "Thanks," she said and carried it across to a table.
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Apt 14249, early evening, Andras and its inhabitants

A picture says more than a thousand words. And sometimes, it would have to be on paper.

Andras had finally found time for the burqa project he'd been thinking about, and as the girl on the phone in the gallery had said her boss was at home, he was now ringing Charlie's door with a A3 print of two very shapely female legs looking out from under a burqa held before him.



Apt 6113, Tuesday Night; Peri and Noah

There were some things you didn't want to tell people. Peri had, at various points in her life, told people most of them. All except for one. A very important one.

She'd been feeling sick and crappy for the past couple days at work, but being who she was, she figured it was the flu and ignored it. Well, ignored it save for lots of hot tea. That always made her feel better. Except this time, it hadn't. And the throwing up? Had always been at a certain time of day, which set off all of her flaily panic alarms. But being the reasonably rational woman she usually was, Peri had done a bit of shopping...

... and now sat on the couch with half a dozen pregnancy tests sitting lined up like little soldiers on the coffee table in front of her. Five of them said positive in some form. One didn't. Oh how she was concentrating on that one right now.
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