July 9th, 2009


Gallery then park; Afternoon; Deacon and Charlie

Life with a toddler meant that quiet time alone was hard to get. But with everything that had happened during the cross country race it was something that Deacon had been wanting with Charlie. Now that Bella had gone back home and their apartment was theirs again it was a little easier to be affectionate but still - there was Nia. So for Deacon's plan to work he had to get a babysitter.

Having managed that and then packed up a large basket full of goodies Deacon made his way to the Square and the gallery, stepping through the door just around lunch time and making the little bell above it jingle. He smiled at first person to greet him.

"Hey there. The boss around?"
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Roxy calls the TA

Roxy had taken today off to catch up on phone calls. The first on her list was the Tenant's Association. She'd thought about just going up, but making an appointment sounded like a better option than just showing up, so she picked up her phone and dialed the number.

Multi-Pup! at the Mocha, Thursday afternoon. OTA and MW!

Anastasia was standing in line in a casual grey dress and a pair of black flip flops with a camera around her neck and a sketch pad under one arm, looking up at the menu. There was a wrinkle in between her eyebrows and her lips turned down at the corners in thought that had little to do with the menu before her.
Niles was sprawled out on one of the couches, apparently blatantly ignoring anyone else's wish to have a seat,  in a vintage black t-shirt and a pair of low slung, worn out, ripped and gutted jeans and green converse sneakers. He was holding a battered book in his hand, presumably reading, but he might have been using it as a clever ploy to have a good look around. One never knew. 

Smith was sitting at a table with a muffin wrapper in front of him and a half empty cup of coffee in his hand, wearing a grey v-necked t-shirt and a pair of aviator sunglasses that hid his eyes. It might seem strange that he was wearing sunglasses indoors, but Smith had only woke up a few minutes ago and more than a little hung over. Even dimmed by the Mocha's interior, the sun was still a bitch on his eyes.

Anastasia, Trevor, and Gavin, Thursday night.

Anastasia had pondered many things while standing in line at the Mocha and then some more at the grocery store, the least of which being her husband's odd actions the past few days. He showered all the time, stayed gone later and later, and was back to ignoring her again.
There was a thick inkling of dread in her gut, a twist of certainty that told her subconcious exactly what was going on, but she couldn't bring herself to listen to it. Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she wondered if he'd be there when she got home.

Thursday 6PM, Robbie and Isabella

Robert had dressed well if still comfortably enough for him. He stopped behind the door 10 188, paused, cleared his throat, checked his watch to see that he was on time, and finally knocked. He had a flower bouquet with him, and he was already feeling generally awkward about the whole shebang.



Lobby, Evening, Spencer and Security,

Spencer came home late, Mrs Sullivan had been remarkably good, and let him worry at her for a while before making him a coffee and reminding him that he wasn't the only one arranging this wedding. Then the day had really started, work and more work, on top of which came Mrs Sullivan's to do lists updated every time she sorted something out. Including, to Spencer's horror, signing them up for a Michaels Bros Wedding Gift List.

Now though, he was home, having stopped on the way home for a take out meal to heat at home. He was so tired he didn't want to think about cooking. But he had to talk to Mr Abrams, about the wedding. He was seriously going off this idea... but, he stopped by the desk. "Hi, is Mr Abrams around right now? Or should I make an appointment to see him?"
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