June 22nd, 2009


Isabella, Pool, Monday evening. OTA and MW!

It had been a typical Monday. Typical in the sense that it made Isabella want to rip her hair out and drink herself to sleep. Garfield had certainly had a point, but she'd never known that particular orange cat to lead her astray. 
Instead of drinking or eating herself into oblivion, she decided to put on her new red bikini and  take advantage of the still-bright sun and the sweltering heat and take a look at the Manor's pool for the very first time.



Evening, Mocha, Emma and OTA/MW!

Emma was bored. Which did not bode well for her evening, so she came down to the Mocha, intending to get a snack, something to drink, and maybe to pick up a paper, or sketch someone or something. Or even, if she was lucky to get to talk to someone!

So she settled at a table, with a large hot chocolate, her sketchpad and some pencils, and one of the papers from the rack by the door, and a large plate piled high with muffins and cookies. Well, it helped if you had food to share right? Bait the trap and all that nonsense.... She even looked up and smiled at people coming into the Mocha, hoping for someone to talk to.
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Andras calling Ashford Museum, Monday afternoon

After talking to Fin in the Auberge, Andras had decided to ask after the Bernouli pictures after all, and called the museum shortly before they would be closing, having caught up with the day before that.

Most people just operated on a different time phase.
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Monday evening, Laundry room, Laura OTA MW

Laura dropped down to the basement floor in the evening to fetch her laundry from the drier. With a big bag to put her laundry in and apartment keys in her hands she had to kick the door to the laundry room open. She walked in brusquely and went to her drier straight away and started getting out her mostly black and grey load of clothes from the machine.
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