June 6th, 2009



Tristan and NPC's Friday night meeting downtown

Tristan took off from work to meet with his Father. Not that he particularly wanted to, but he was expected to. There had been a car waiting for him outside the club. He got in and the driver wove through the streets leading to the shipping yards. Getting out of the car he noticed his father standing, arms crossed in front of his chest and waiting. At the sight of Tristan his scowl softened into a frown instead.

"Look at that, Rico. My boy decided to join us after all." He said with a hint of sarcasm.

The man standing beside Anthony Winters smiled. "So it appears. Shall we start this meeting then?"

Anthony opened the door for the warehouse. "Business is held inside the building."

One after the other, the men standing about walked into the warehouse, body guards filing in between the men, to discuss business.
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Avery and Lucas, Manor garage, going to England

The phone call had come on the morning of the day before. There was nothing that could have been done - Aunt Margaret had died during the night. The sad news did not really touch neither Thomas - whose father's sister Margaret was - or Lucas. All they had done was sigh deeply and call the restaurant that they needed to go catch a plane to Heathrow.

On Saturday morning Lucas was stuffing his bag to the boot of the car in the Manor garage. He shoved it in rather violentily and banged the boot shut loudly.

"So you decided to break my car to make us late from the plane and thus avoid going home?" Thomas snorted and opened the drivers side door. "It's no use being that grumpy, Luke."

"Can't fucking help it, can I? I don't even have a fucking choice in this. I'm nineteen, aren't I? And I'm still forced to meet the arrogant bastards also known as relatives?" Lucas went on about and stomped to the other side of the car.

"Yes. You and me both," Thomas said sounding like a man who had accepted his gruesome fate. "We'll be back in a week. Maybe we'll be a little richer too."

Lucas folded his arms and muttered under his breath while Thomas started the engine and drove out of the garage.
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Saturday evening, on campus of Culinary Institute of America, St Helena, California

The breathlessness and the blushing was fading away slowly as Emily was changing her chef uniform to her quite usual style in civil a black short skirt and a green blouse topped off with cute pumps. Her hair smelled of frying oil and she felt sweaty, but she kept her eyes on the clock thinking of Vinnie. He'd be joining her in California the same evening and she had missed him terribly and was now looking forward to their vacation together. She had decided to treat and pamper the man now that she had won $5 000 as the first prize in the chef contest of Culinary Institute of America.

The winner goes on holiday )

(OOC: Once again thanks to Sam and her Gregori!)
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14th floor, Maude, Bella and sprogs

Charlie was at work in the room that would soon be the creche and Deacon was doing something to his car. This meant that Bella had the pleasure to looking after Nia and the possibility of calling on a friend.

Holding Nia by the hand and with a sizeable package under her arm, Bella banged on the door of the Temminck residence and wondered who, if anyone, was in.
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