May 25th, 2009


Mocha, Early Morning, Adam and OTA (MW)

First thing in the morning, as the business crowd was milling about in their snappy suits, a yawning Marine in his full dress uniform clicked his way across the Lobby, pulling on sharp white gloves and tucking the stiff brimmed hat under his arm as he crossed to Mocha and joined the queue.

This would probably be his only chance to eat or drink all day, he planned on making the best of it.
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Chad at the pool, Monday, afternoon OTA/MW

In honor of towel day, Chad had decided to go lounge about the pool. No better place to take a towel, he'd thought. So now a lone towel, bright blue in color, sat on a plastic lounger as it's carrier swam laps in the pool.



Mailroom, afternoon, Spencer and OTA/MW

He wasn't loitering as such, but Spencer was definitely pleased to have stuck two letters, very important letters, into two mailboxes. He was kind of hoping the ladies who owned said mailboxes would be coming to collect their mail soon, otherwise, he would have to have a word with security and go stick them under doors!

While he waited he was sorting his own mail, and wondering if any of the stuff about dresses and make up and er, bridal flowers was for him, or if he could just give it all to Roxy. The mailbox was full of the stuff!

Letter for Mrs Malhotra )


Letter to Miss Gonzalez )

Niles and Elspeth, Monday Evening

Niles stepped into the elevator on the ground floor and hit 9, praying his stomach would make it that far. He was sick for the first time in years, probably since he'd been a child, and he didn't know what was wrong.
His stomach rolled as the elevator began to lift, and he pressed his forehead against the cool mirrored glass of the walls. He heard the ding of the elevator stopping and prayed time and space had been merciful, as it didn't seem like he'd been on there long enough to reach his floor.
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Ben at the Mocha, Monday Evening OTA/MW

Ben thanked the barista for his small coffee, the only drink on the menu that he recognized and could pronounce with confidence. After grabbing as much creamer and sugar as his hand could clutch, he scanned the coffee shop for a place to sit. Coffee houses were never his thing. They were too often populated by snobby rich people or equally snobby artists with their expensive lattes and Apple laptops giving dirty looks to anyone who made a noise and dared to interrupt the typing of their ground-breaking novel. This place looked okay, though. Not many people were around, probably because it was night time and the post-work crowd had already left.

First night )
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