March 27th, 2009


Sanctuary; Afternoon; Max, Jimmy

Friday meant a busy night at the club but the doors weren't open yet. Right now Max was sitting in his office going over paperwork and listening to the low thrum of a hard rock song. A good song. One Jimmy would probably recognize.

He should considering it was his old band.
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Pool, Late Afternoon, Jazz and OTA (MW)

Jazz dithered over the schedules for a few days, reluctant to commit to a single date, but in the end, common sense forced her hand. If she was going to be assured of having the days off that both Avery and Lucas worked, she was going to have to start putting in for them now.

Two weeks did not leave a lot of room for wiggle.

Finally, she settled on a day, and today while she was work she turned in her request slip to get the day off. With any luck she wouldn't be asked why.

Now, back at the Manor she decided to celebrate this "one step closer" by putting on her favorite two piece bikini and taking advantage of what had turned out to be downright beautiful spring day.

Before long she was stretched out on a lounger by the pool, dozing lightly as she soaked up the late afternoon sun.
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