March 5th, 2009


Conservatory; Seth and OTA (MW)

It was still way to cold for Seth to want to sit outside and sketch but he wanted the sunlight. So he got himself a coffee and headed to the conservatory for a bench near the the large glass windows.

Here it was warm and there was plenty of sunlight and Seth curled up on the bench with his sketch pad on his knees. He'd spent part of the day yesterday at Demitri's dance studio and had come away with some wonderful quick sketches of the gorgeous blond dancing. Now he was taking his favorite and fleshing it out. Most likely he'd wind up putting it to canvas eventually.
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Slaughtered Lamb; Afternoon; Kara and OTA (MW)

It was nearing St. Patrick's Day which meant Kara was busy preparing for the celebration. She's already booked the band - so there was the hard part done. She's placed an order with a friend back in Dublin for some proper Irish fare and drinks and that should be on it's way. She'd told numerous people that no they would not be serving green beer. Now she was just deciding how to move the tables around a bit to make room for at least a bit of a dance floor and at the same time still accomodate more people than usual.

All part of running an Irish bar during St. Patty's Day. Good thing she loved it.



Emailing Mr Ahijo

Amarie had spotted the email a day or two before and, having never seen anything like it before, was utterly intrigued so replied to it.

The reply made her giggle: Read more... )

Grinning, she only hesitated for a few minutes before carefully filling in her details. She didn't tell Vinnie though. He'd have been pissed that she'd given out the details of her savings account - and even more pissed if she'd admitted there was no risk because there was only a dollar fifty in it.
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Lobby, afternoon, Jimmy OTA

As they emerged from the elevator the lawyer shot his cuffs and stalked towards the doors, only replying to the security man's greeting with a curt nod.

The security man looked surprised but Jimmy wasn't. He and his neighbour had just had 'words', polite words that translated into local terms would have meant someone holding someone's coat and an invitation being issued to step outside.

A little quibble about Jimmy getting home at four in the morning and soothing himself before bedtime with a little classic rock. Jimmy couldn't see that it was a problem - it was GOOD music. Should make the guy feel young again.

Yawning and scratching his back he ambled towards the mailroom to see if the magazines he'd ordered had arrived.