January 12th, 2009


Apt 7134, Monday morning, Emily and Vincenzo

After a late night was a late morning. The cold winter sun lit the bedroom when Emily's slumber was distracted by distant clinking of dishes and eventually footsteps followed by the soft familiar taps of the cat's paws.

When she finally turned around to face the bedroom door, opened her eyes and yaaaaawned, she saw Vincenzo come in carrying a big tray.

"Mmmmhum smells good..." she mumbled sleepily and rubbed her eyes looking like she would fall asleep again any second, but at least there was a silly smile on her face seeing Vincenzo.



Sanctuary, late morning, Max and Jimmy

Jimmy was still in the little apartment having a rather late breakfast when he heard his boss arive. Smirking, he poured another cup of coffee and opened the door, careless of the rumpled bed, the empty champagne bottle and flutes and the lingering smokey fragrance.

"Morning, boss," he said. "Want a bacon banjo? I made plenty."
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Mail room, afternoon, Leo OTA

Collecting the mail was a routine job, as was standing by the bins and jettisoning the junk mail.

"Honestly Jerry," Leo said, dumping a flyer about a skate park, "if you know we're going to throw them away why do you put them in our mailboxes."

Jerry grinned and continued to slip brightly coloured rubbish into the slots and Leo sighed, knowing he'd be getting some of those eventually.



Andras calling Brendan, Monday afternoon

Somehow, the jeans were too tight today.

Andras felt his iPhone in the right back pocket the entire time he was walking through the City.

And it reminded him, the entire time, that there was Brendan's number on it, and that he meant to call him.

At four in the afternoon, he had enough, got out the phone, found the number on the list, and pressed 'dial'.