August 28th, 2008


Lobby, early afternoon; Emily, Avery & OTA

A shiny bronze colored Bentley Continental GT was given to be parked in the Manor by a snobby but yet dashing looking gentleman with a British accent. A few hours later the blond man in the tailored dark three-piece suit appeared in the lobby again, only this time accompanied by someone who looked like she was from another world. Emily Brandon with her long hair free, wearing a print T-shirt and a casual denim skirt looked like she was from another planet standing beside the composed and elegant man.

"We will have to find out if the repairs can be done without closing the doors," he said as they stepped out of the elevator.

"It's in the cellar, and I'm sure the work itself would be done mainly during the day, not while the restaurant is open in the evenings," Emily answered reassuringly.

"Quite. Besides, we are getting ahead ourselves. No need to worry about practicalities before we get approval," the man reminded her and they stopped in the lobby.

He looked her over wrinkling his nose. "I hope you do not need a ride anywhere?"

Emily laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry, no one will have to see me in your company. The grocery store is just behind the corner."

"And thank goodness for that. If I cared, I would take you shopping for some proper clothing, but as it is, I don't as long as you keep your distance."

"You should go before I punch you," Emily told him but her amused smile gave away that she was not hurt. No, she was already used to Mr Thomas Avery bad mouthing her. "And before you're late for the meeting."
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Late at night, St Martin's

It had been a really bad few days. First he had missed the girl in the gallery and shot some poor bitch who just happened to be there and then it hadn't taken long for word to reach him that the Orsini kid seemed to be getting her memory back. Of the two things this was the cause for greater concern.

She had looked into his eyes and given him a beaming smile as though asking him to share the joke, silly little bitch, and just as he had raised the gun her eyebrows had twitched into a little quizzical frown and she had opened her mouth.

He was torn. Had she seen the gun and been about to call for help? Or had she taken another look at his face and realised that she knew him? If the former, then it probably wouldn't much matter. His alibi was reasonable - he had credit card records of a cinema ticket. He had bought popcorn. The vendor should remember him because he had dropped the change.

But if she knew him? That possibility had preyed on his mind, eating away at him so he got no rest. In the end there was only way one to be sure and so he entered the hospital by one of the lesser used entrances, drifting in with a shift change.Read more... )



Lamb, then Manor, Drinking Stone, Onion Ring Retrieving Lis and then SadMamaFollet

((OOC - Post contains sensitive plot stuff!))
Stone drowns his sorrows, gets confronted by Lis who wants to help and is highly concerned and then has another run in with Lara's mom on his way back into the Manor )
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