August 7th, 2008



The Gym, Evening, Spencer and OTA/MW

Spencer came home, fed Indigo, and then couldn't settle, so he headed down to the gym to work out. He set himself up on a treadmill, a random programme set for ten miles, and his iPod playing random tunes. He was jogging along quite happily when he saw the door open in the mirror, and someone else enter the gym. He raised a hand and waved in greeting, "Hi there."



Near Vine Square, afternoon, Charlie OTA

Lightly dressed in this heat, Charlie was window shopping. He had two bags - one from a children's clothing store and one from a soft furnishers and the window he was currently checking out as a toy shop.

Any observer might be able to guess that he wasn't shopping for Deacon, but that didn't explain the woebegone look on his face.
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