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Oct. 3rd, 2011


Looking for a CO-MOD

If anyone wants to lend a hand I need a co-mod for this game I started. If your interested let me know.

ociety for the Preservation of Antiquities

Welcome to the Society for the Preservation of Antiquities. Or the S.P.A. for short. The Society is an organization dedicated to the discovery of rare and potentially supernatural artifacts from all over the world, and the preservation, and housing of said artifacts in the Society Building. To the general public the Society is nothing more than a group of Archeologist and Historians that devote their careers to keeping the past alive. But the employees of the Society headquarters know better.

In truth the Society and its employees track down and recover artifacts that are reputed to have mystical or supernatural powers and store them in the Society mother house to keep them out of the wrong hands. The employees are top experts in the fields of Archeology, History, and Occult studies. In addition the Society Headquarters also employs technicians with knowledge of the latest technology to keep things running smoothly. If you're interested in joining our staff apply today and help us keep the past alive!

Game opens with 10 or more applications


Jun. 27th, 2011


short term game?

So I’ve been tossing around ideas for a game but off the bat I know it has to be short term. The very nature of the game (a horror/survival type) means it could only really go for about 2 - 4 months. That said, I’ve never been in a game that’s been purposefully run to be that short so I’m not sure how best to do it. Can it be done? Is there a time of the year that’s best for this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

May. 19th, 2011


I'm looking for someone to help me mod/co-mod [info]heavyisthehead.

Experience is preferred. Examples of other communities you were mod/co-mod in.

Mainly just need help with promoting, making sure there isn't any IC drama getting OOC. I like to do the character adds and stuff myself, because not everyone keeps coding the same way. Plus, I'm just anal about that stuff. But accepting characters and discussing if that character is good enough to be in the community. Helping to weed of the Mary Sues. Basic stuff.

Apr. 11th, 2011


Smut-based game Seeking Co-mod

I'd really like to start a smut-based game, but I really don't know where to start. I've modded games before, but mainly panfandom and next-gen hp based ones, and I'm great with the coding, but I can't seem to think of an interesting premise that would make for an interesting smut based game. If anyone's interested in brainstorming a smut-based game, please let me know.


Mar. 23rd, 2011


Seeking a Co-mod

Hey everyone,

I hope this place can help. I'm looking for a co-mod for a post apocalyptic game I want to create. I have the premise and the plot already if that helps but the undertaking of the coding and approving the applications by myself just seems like it would be a bit overwhelming.

Would anyone be interested? It's an original character game based loosely on Susan Beth Pfeffer's Life as We Knew It series. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Feb. 4th, 2011


I would love a Co-Mod for this game. I had someone helping me out and then real life got the best of them, so someone else to help with pimping and reviewing apps would be great.

Jan. 1st, 2011


OC Supers game in need of a co-mod, interested players

I'm currently working on pulling together a game of superhero, supervillain, and super-I-just-live-here characters. I'm tapping on ideas from movies, TV, comics, and previous games I've been in to create a fairly open game for metahuman play. The characters will co-inhabit one fictional city and have varying degrees of celebrity status among the world (and in some cases, the galaxy) at large. I don't have much written up, yet, but I am looking for a co-mod and some possibly interested players because I don't want to set this up and have it go nowhere. Plus, I'll need co-modding help when it comes to applications and various other modly processes. The biggest problem is that I have a lot of ideas and no one to share them with! I'm much better at making things look pretty than making them coherent, so a co-mod would be very helpful.

Please, if this sounds interesting to you, contact me on AIM at rewriteourstory, by email at, or leave a comment to this post.

Thanks and happy New Year! :)

Jun. 28th, 2010


oh oh oh, its magic.

Question: would you join a game that was centered around an elemental academy? I ask because I'm not sure what the interest level would be and games like that usually are a lot of work. The basic premise is here although it' subject to be re-written. From that, what would you expect/want to be in the game?

May. 20th, 2010


Here's the deal.

I'm thinking of opening a RPG based on 1816, 'the year without a summer', also known as 'the poverty year' and 'eighteen hundred froze to death'. It was caused by Mount Tambora's eruption, one of the largest in all known history, that covered the majority of the world in ash and made the average global temperatures decrease to 0.4-.07°C aprox. It caused big agricultural problems (all the crops frosted), animals and people died, etc. More here.

Case is I was talking to a friend who just happens to be a mod about this, and she found the idea interesting. She then asked me 'what would the characters do for fun?' I was left thinking-- sure, characters would be busy most of the time with surviving, trying to cultivate whatever they can, taking care of animals (this is a modern setting, by the way, but it will be located in an old town, that was previously a turistic attraction due to its historic value), fish in the nearby lake, make sure the wood-powered boilers work properly... all that.

But what could characters do for fun, in everyday's life? What kind of plots would I be able to come up to entertain players that aren't things like big parties or more catastrophes? They would have electricity at times, but no TV and barely any radio.

Any ideas? And, concerning that, any suggestions for the game?

On that matter-- stock pictures that could help for advertising?

Apr. 6th, 2010


Even though I'm already halfway through completing this game, I thought I'd post to get a feel of if it would generate any interest at all. It's sort of like Legion meets Clash of the Titans, which I realize is an insane comparison, but it seems to be working surprisingly well so far. Here's a sample of the working premise, and a variety of characters would be up for play, including both side of angels, demons, and humans with slight supernatural advantages.

Premise. )

Mar. 1st, 2010


Looking for a futuristic geisha game.

I made Mamehide along time ago when someone had proposed a futuristic geisha game but since dropped off the face of the earth (and we had gotten a lot done!). I was wondering if someone would be interested in running one with help? I would really love to play Mamehide in such a setting and could help out with anything needed.

Feb. 5th, 2010


Never posted here before, but before I go crazy and start making this game, I'd like to see if there is any interest out there at all.

Basically, it would be something like a corporation investigating certain supernatural/mythical occurrences, mostly in the past, but as of now it's focusing most of its energy on the countdown to the end of the world. However, some of the ways the bosses seem to be going about things have left some employees questioning whether or not this organization is trying to bring the apocalypse or prevent it. Needless to say, there will be a vast amount of characters, some evil and actively seeking to destroy the world, some wanting to save it, some just doing their job, some clueless. Ad of course, given the fact that it investigates supernatural phenomena, they do employ supernatural beings. Nothing too excessive, there won't be any gods or anything to that end. But vampires, werewolves and the like. Possibly angels and demons, I haven't decided.

I guess I should also note that I'm aware that the idea isn't extremely original, but I think it could be a lot of fun and has room to get dark and serious when it needs to.

Jan. 25th, 2010


RETROFITTED :: Seeking harbinger of pain for plebeian player base!

Seeking elitist jerk who would take pleasure in ruining people's lives in surreal time-fuck game. Must also like long walks on the beach, tyrrany, and hot chocolate. Having a little bit of photoshop/html know-how (so that I don't kill myself) is also a plus. :]

But seriously-- looking for mod number 3 for RETROFITTED. Both current mods play in the game, and decisions are most fairly made by an unbiased three as opposed to a semi-biased two.

Requirements for position: Plz Write Gud. And also be interested in playing with us. That might be important as well. Many administrative decisions are enacted in game by leadership characters instead of laid out in a mod post-- for this reason, it's imperative that all mods are active players.

We currently have 12 players with more recruits lined up.

Please contact me on AIM at [ retromortis ] with applications, questions, etc etc etc.

Jan. 18th, 2010


Gay Superheroes

This LJ-based slash-friendly superhero RPG was originally created for me and a few of my friends. Unfortunately and, most annoyingly, said friends decided they didn't want to play about a week in. Combine that with the loss of our original mod and the game fell into a state of abandoned disrepair before it ever really got started up. Months and months later, those damn dirty friends of mine decided that they wanted to try again, and so despite having never modded a damn thing before I took up the modly duties, revamped the game completely, and re-launched it... only to have the players all jump ship yet again.

So here I am, even more months later, poking around for some sort of help. While still unfinished in a few sections, I spent a whole helluva lot of time putting the game together and to see it just stagnate as it is now is heartbreaking. I'd really like to find a co-mod ( or, hell, maybe even a replacement mod ) who would be interested in doing something with this game.

That, or I just need someone to tell me to let it go. There's always the possibility that the game is shitty and unsalvageable, and that I am just too blind to see it. I joined IJ just to come and beg for guidance, so. Guys. Help, please?

Dec. 26th, 2009


Due to certain circumstances I don't think I'll be able to make this a reality, so if anyone wants to take/use/adopt the idea then please feel free with my blessing!

Dec. 24th, 2009


Some sort of Legacy I suppose

I had an idea for a laidback sort of Rpg, but I'm not sure if I'm the only one who would find it interesting. I'm looking for ideas and a co-mod, since none of my friends rp anymore!

Ummm, basically the idea is the Rp is set in 1992, where this couple are in their 70s. They've had kids and grandchildren and even great grandchildren now. With random 'flashbacks', we'll be telling the story and creating their history as we go. I'm not sure whether the flashbacks will be set as events by the mods, or whether any of the players can start one. 

There'll be a timeline to keep track of events and births + deaths of characters etc. I don't want to follow history TOO closely, but it will mimic it a fair bit. I also want lots of, I don't know what to call them, plot points - which can stir up gameplay. For example, at least one character to be an activist ((probably in the late 60s)), at least one character to get a divorce, someone to be a convicted criminal, one character to be a murder victim, one character to be physically disabled. I'm trying to cover a broad range of, I guess you could call them stereotypes, that would be subjects of interest or controversy during the years ((teen pregnancy in the 50s for example)). A character that may be gay in the 40s had to keep it under wraps, but a few decades later could come out ((even though I know they aren't ALWAYS accepted, and still get persecuted, but it would be easier to announce you are gay in recent years than way back then)), or maybe they are so used to staying in the proverbial closet, they don't want to come out!

So basically the game starts in 1992, but stretches right back to the 1920s when the patriach was born. Characters available will be family members obviously, in laws, family friends etc.

What do you think?

Dec. 21st, 2009


Normally, I wouldn't post onto something like this, but I would really like to see this become a success, so here goes.

I saw advertisements for this movie, Daybreakers, with virtually the same premise as this game I made sometime in '08. It's a world where vampires are the majority, and humans are the very small minority. Humans are farmed like cattle for their blood, kept alive, and people can basically buy blood to eat, however expensive it may be. There are, however, a few groups of humans left in the wild (namely South America, and upwards into the tundra regions) -- thus the birth of Operation Extract, a group who takes on missions to achieve whatever quantity of humans they can, to continue the blood flow for the vampires at home.

There was also some HP undertones mixed in as well. There was a "blood hierarchy" if you will, betweens lineage vampires (those born from vampires) and tainted/sired vampires. Lineage vampires make up the minority, but are ALL in places of power, and given special privileges (such as owning humans as slaves), and birthing children. Essentially, all vampires can birth children, but it depends on the quantity of blood they receive that keeps the body functioning relatively normal, thus paving the way to conceive children. Vampires haven't been able to do that since they've taken over, so all lineaged vampires are relatively older in recorded years, but not necessarily appearance. I originally wanted to just play out this rebellious nature of sired vampires vs. lineaged, and perhaps include those involved within the operation on the side, and focus on the next step in the predatory chain -- some sort of hybridized form of the two, but I wouldn't mind changing the focus around, should there be enough interest in someone who likes vampires, etc.

Initially we had strong interest in the game, but a few anonymous comments sort of started up some drama (over the lineage vampires last names, and ethnic-specific origins, of all things) sort of popped my desire to continue it further, as I'm particularly drama free, and I didn't expect aspects like using a feminine/masculine form in a last name was such an issue, as both were registered within the US consensus bureau, but anyways!

I think it would be a lot more fun to keep the lineaged/sired issues as sort of the background meat and potatoes, and sort of grow on the concept of Operation Extract, and perhaps actually make a squad/group that works for scouting humans, and maybe does more.. guard/foreign affairs...?

I don't know, but feedback, and a co-mod would be pretty peachy keen.

Dec. 20th, 2009


I have the following idea for a game mixing clones, time travel and apocalyptic urgency.

A group of men and women is sent back in time to the present to stop the series of events which will lead to humanity's downfall. They are highly trained, hand-picked soldiers and they are devoted to their cause. But they are not alone.

Twenty years from now, efforts to eradicate disease and assuage pain will have created a heavy demand for medical progress. Human cloning, a morally contested pipe dream at the end of the twentieth century has become norm. But the tyranny of the natural born and the marketing of organs, children and self-replicas has been destroyed by the product it made popular.

Human clones - conventionally called tanks for their ex-utero gestation - have both perfected and taken over the technology used to create them. They have taken up arms against their 'parents' and now seek revenge.

Essentially, the rpg would be a mixture of The Island, Battlestar Galactica, Flashforward and Terminator without really touching upon the canon of either. Every 'future' character would enter the game with a mission, a sort of prime directive he or she must follow, while, at the same time, responding to events and forming relationships with characters they encounter. Clones would make challenging PBs useless and multiple characters could share the same face. Contemporary characters would also be allowed.

What I'm looking for - besides oodles of feedback - would be a mod or two to help me set this baby up.

EDIT: Game is now open at [info]projectchronos

Dec. 12th, 2009


I'm in the process of developing a new game I plan to call Phenomena. The plot is based around a governmental developed drug that was suppose to allow people to access a large percentage of their brain. For a while the drug seemed successful and was administered to thousands of people, however after a while people started having blackouts and reported hallucinations of a strange dream world they all called Morpheus. The testing was shut down, however many were addicted to it, and to the world of Morpheus. Now people addicted to the drug are called Dreamers and live double lives in the real world and Morpheus, and illegal dealers of the drug are known as Sandmen. The government also issued agents, known as Nightmares, who enter Morpheus to catch Dreamers.

The game will have multiple settings, one of which is the Dream World of Morpheus itself. It's also going to be a dual-pb game, which means that dreamer and nightmare characters can have two pbs, one which is their real world appearance and another which is their appearance in the dream world.

I'd absolutely love to get someone to help me with development and moderation. Or/And absolutely any feedback, suggestions, etc!

Nov. 29th, 2009


Searching for a like-minded soul...

I'm looking for a co-mod for a new game: Anything Goes

A few years ago my best friend and I were both in a Vegas supernatural game that died. We loved our characters, and so took them away from the game to a psl community. We had rolicking adventures with our characters, and truly memorable times making the mish mash group fit together. Suprise loves, fights, dangers... everything but the dreaded Mpreg. Those were the days.

My friend moved to Africa last month. She's busy being a traveller and helping 3rd world children. Which is great, except I miss my RP buddy.

So I've started Anything Goes, a city based supernatural RP. I hope to get it off the ground with new characters, following the same premise that we had. The premise being "Plot like you've never plotted before!". Originality is the key, plot development is the point, and fun is hopefully the result.

I try to keep my characters original, and want the same for the community. Though there won't be all encompassing plot development, there will be a need to perhaps create characters to fill niches. If this is your thing, as well as co-modly duties (advertising, keeping players active, handling adds when I'm away), I would LOVE to have you on board! Check the comms, e-mail me at youngbears[@]rocketmail[.]com, or AIM me at potentialpyro.

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