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Apr. 11th, 2011


Smut-based game Seeking Co-mod

I'd really like to start a smut-based game, but I really don't know where to start. I've modded games before, but mainly panfandom and next-gen hp based ones, and I'm great with the coding, but I can't seem to think of an interesting premise that would make for an interesting smut based game. If anyone's interested in brainstorming a smut-based game, please let me know.


Mar. 23rd, 2011


Seeking a Co-mod

Hey everyone,

I hope this place can help. I'm looking for a co-mod for a post apocalyptic game I want to create. I have the premise and the plot already if that helps but the undertaking of the coding and approving the applications by myself just seems like it would be a bit overwhelming.

Would anyone be interested? It's an original character game based loosely on Susan Beth Pfeffer's Life as We Knew It series. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Mar. 11th, 2011


stargate game?

Would there be any interest at all in a game based in the Stargate fandom? It would definitely include original characters, multiple teams and numerous bases. Additionally, would anyone be interested in developing/co-modding with me?

Mar. 2nd, 2011


Game concept advice?

I am working on two different game concepts and I would love some advice as to which would be more appealing. I do know many good, solid players who would be game for either but I'm looking to see from others which sounds more intriguing/like something that people would want to play in.

Ideas Under the Cut--please help )

Feb. 7th, 2011


I would really like to create a panfandom game based on the plot in this journal. I was wondering if there would be any interest in this game and I would also like one or two co-mods to help me with the modly duties.

Feb. 3rd, 2011


These days, how popular are supernatural games that involve big worlds and political strife? I'm making small progress towards completing my game, but if the work would be all for naught, then there's not much point in me completing this, right?

Jan. 28th, 2011


Anne Rice fandome game?

Would anyone be interested in a RPG set in the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles fandom? Only for this game I thought maybe it could focus more on the Talamasca and it's memebers. I'm thinking it should be both a cannon and OC game. Let me know if your interested.

Dec. 19th, 2010


So I'm a huge Tron fan, and I've been wanting to start a Tron game or group PSL for a while. I realize Tron: Legacy hasn't been out for terribly long, and this is possibly the worst time to start a game, but I thought I'd post and see if anyone had any interest anyway.

Extensive knowledge of the universe isn't required, as I will try to provide as much information as possible if I start this game, to make it easier.

Information behind here. It's fairly spoiler-less, but I want to be on the safe side. )

That's the gist of what I've got so far. Feel free to let me know if you'd be interested, what you think, and if you have any questions or improvements/changes/input to offer -- I would very much appreciate it. Either way, thanks for reading!

Dec. 12th, 2010


Hello there. I've just discovered this community and thought I'd cross-post here. I and a friend are hoping to open a large-scale game based on BBC'S Merlin and have opened a discussion thread here in order to gauge interest and see what people would like to see from the game. We're not looking to open until maybe mid-January in order to give us time to set things up and create a solid foundation. I realize this isn't a fandom which has gotten a lot of attention from the rp community past psls and panfandom and we'd like to try operating on a larger scale.

We'd really appreciate any feedback, questions, suggestions, or ideas anyone has, so if this sounds like something that interests you please check out our thread and let us know. Even if you don't have anything specific to add to the discussion we'd love it if you could just post saying that you have an interest. Thank you!

Jul. 5th, 2010


My First Game...

So...I have this awesome idea for a Disney based game.   [info]fantasyislemods

The Premise:
This is a Disney-based Role Playing game, located on an uncharted island 100 miles off the coast of Florida.  It's inhabitants were the inspiration for many of Walt Disney's most beloved fairy tales.  Walt, at the age of 19, was out sailing and got caught in a rainstorm.  He washed up on the shores of Fantasy Isle, where he became inspired by all of the unique people he met.  Walt kept a journal of all the people he met, his creative mind spinning fairy tales that he couldn't wait to delve into.  He spent two years on Fantasy Isle, before finding a way to return to Florida and his Studio.  Before he left, however, he made one wish.  He wished with all his heart that the Isle would never be found by anyone else, so long as he was alive.   He continued to return every month, for the rest of his life.

It is now January 1st, 1967, exactly sixteen days after Walt Disney died.  The Isle's inhabitants could feel a change in the air as they celebrated the holiday season.  Walt was due to arrive that very day, as he did every year since he landed on the Isle, but he never showed up.  There have been subtle changes in the Isle.  The weather has begun to change, the snow melting practically overnight.  Fear begins to spread through the inhabitants and no one knows what will come next.

Who knows...could this be the end of Fantasy Isle?

The idea is that there is one King over all the island, Perseus, who is based off King Triton, and the other royals are all related to him.  His sister, Ursula, would probably be the main protagonist.  I'm in desperate need of someone who's really good with web-page design, html coding, and graphics in general.  I'd also really love a more experienced player to co-mod with me in a serious capacity.  I give 150% into everything I do, and this game I'll give 200%.  I really want to get this game going as soon as possible, preferably by September.  Please message me by email ( or leave a comment here.  Thank you!

Jun. 24th, 2010


Marvel Again?

Okay yes there are a ton of Marvel games out there.  Thing is I'm an older role player and I like the old school Marvel!  You know, before they retconned everyone's history to add more drama and angst!   So a friend and I had this idea and we were wondering, what people thought and if anyone was interested in helping us out.  I'm doing design and coding, setting things up slowly right now.  So here goes.

I like the First Class stuff for X Men, bringing it back to the Original 5.  I kind of liked the First Class uncanny as well.  So basic premise is them having to work together.  Start with very small teams, the O5, 5 members of Excalibur, and then 5 in the brotherhood.  As those are filled we can take member requests for other characters to join on in.  The idea is to do more team interaction, old fashioned story lines.  Really do more of the group interaction and missions as well as having to live in close quarters as well.  (There's a reason they have to, it's in the premise, so it is thought out!).  Basically, take out the retconned extra angst added to the characters and bring them back to old school marvel like in the beginning.  Play out the angst in game rather then put it all in their history, if that makes sense.  Not looking to be a large group of full Marvel, but smaller group of writers that are interested in writing, teamwork, and up for plotting and interacting together rather then finding out right away who can 'hook up' with who!

I hope I'm giving a good over view of what I'm hoping to accomplish.  So, thoughts?  Suggestions?  Volunteers?

Jun. 12th, 2010


OK, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a bit now. There is definitely a criminal/dark side to the Wizarding World, those who hang about in Knockturn for instance. Not every one of them is a Death Eater though. Some are petty criminals, others conmen and most of them only looking out for themselves. There must be some sort of hierarchy to this world. What I was thinking was of an RP set in that world, sort of like The Sopranos meets Harry Potter.

I'm thinking it'd work better as a shorter game, more of a "the game ends when x,y and z happens" rather than "it ends until we get tired of it". There'd be an overarching plot (unsure what yet), but a lot of decisions could be made by the players. Like if this capo were to get whacked or that gang to be taken over, etc.

What do you all think? Would there be interest in a game like this? Does anyone have any ideas as to the overarching plot, or want to mod it/set it up with me? Any help would be appreciated!

Jun. 9th, 2010


I'm looking for someone to help me out running a dark next gen game. I know there are tons out there but my approach is a bit different. I want to run a next gen game centered around the Dark Lord winning on May 2end, killing the trio and then marrying off known DA's/OOTP to known DE's to keep things in line. I have more to the plot and if you would like to find out more and help me moderate this game please comment here or msg me on aim @ writtingwithink.

Thank you and I hope someone is interested in helping me.

May. 29th, 2010


Hello, all. I just opened an OC/PB character plot driven Final Fantasy related game about a week ago, and it's my first time modding anything online in a very long time. I've advertised on several FF and ad communities, but so far no one has shown any interest. Is there anywhere else outside of IJ/LJ where I can advertise (I've considered using Hollow Art)? Or should I just be more relentless with advertising on the current available communities? Or maybe I should make my ad fancier and/or more attractive? Also, I'm looking for a co-mod. Maybe someone who's already more into the thread based rpg scene who could help me advertise and spread the word about my game. I don't have any coding issues. Everything is ready to go. I just need an awesome co-mod and some players. Any kind of help would be appreciated because I'm really at a loss right now...

May. 20th, 2010


Here's the deal.

I'm thinking of opening a RPG based on 1816, 'the year without a summer', also known as 'the poverty year' and 'eighteen hundred froze to death'. It was caused by Mount Tambora's eruption, one of the largest in all known history, that covered the majority of the world in ash and made the average global temperatures decrease to 0.4-.07°C aprox. It caused big agricultural problems (all the crops frosted), animals and people died, etc. More here.

Case is I was talking to a friend who just happens to be a mod about this, and she found the idea interesting. She then asked me 'what would the characters do for fun?' I was left thinking-- sure, characters would be busy most of the time with surviving, trying to cultivate whatever they can, taking care of animals (this is a modern setting, by the way, but it will be located in an old town, that was previously a turistic attraction due to its historic value), fish in the nearby lake, make sure the wood-powered boilers work properly... all that.

But what could characters do for fun, in everyday's life? What kind of plots would I be able to come up to entertain players that aren't things like big parties or more catastrophes? They would have electricity at times, but no TV and barely any radio.

Any ideas? And, concerning that, any suggestions for the game?

On that matter-- stock pictures that could help for advertising?

May. 14th, 2010


Does anyone have experience playing or modding a game where action is set in two different timelines, both past and future/present? I'm almost certain I've seen Harry Potter games with this theme but none that I've had personal experience with.

I'm envisioning a game where players would play two different versions of their characters? Or the same version in different settings? Essentially playing out both the "Before" and "After" bits. However, I'm not sure that the idea is even plausible? (Given the fandom premise the past timeline wouldn't have to be set in stone so there'd be some wiggle room there.)

I'd love to know if anyone has any personal experiences they could share.

Apr. 11th, 2010


So I got the sudden impulse to make a game, and I was thinking of making a university for magical students. This would be a HP Next-Gen game. Students from all over the world would attend. There aren't really a lot of details, but I would like to know if anyone would be interested in it.

Apr. 6th, 2010


Even though I'm already halfway through completing this game, I thought I'd post to get a feel of if it would generate any interest at all. It's sort of like Legion meets Clash of the Titans, which I realize is an insane comparison, but it seems to be working surprisingly well so far. Here's a sample of the working premise, and a variety of characters would be up for play, including both side of angels, demons, and humans with slight supernatural advantages.

Premise. )

Mar. 31st, 2010


political harry potter next-gen game

So, I'm thinking about starting a Harry Potter next-gen game that focuses on the changes and reform that's supposed to have taken place before the epilogue, and that shows a wizarding world taking steps toward wizards/muggles living in peace and knowledge of eachother. I want it to be very political and stuff, and would feature advanced, muggle-friendly Hogwarts classes, political parties, muggle-friendly wizarding world, etc. I like the idea of everyone having their own point of view. Purebloods thinking they are traditionalists and conservative(while muggle-sympathizers might call them muggle-haters). Muggle-sympathizers seem liberal and progressive, but traditionalists think they're destorying wizarding culture and bloodlines.

So? What do you guys think? Anyone interested?

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