July 30th, 2009

[info]aslan_mods in [info]modcooperative

Aslan's Land

Hi everyone! I'm the mod at [info]aslans_land and I'm just looking for some advice. I've been attempting to get this game up and running for over a month now, there are some holds (all of which I've poked the people to get the apps in asap, which still hasn't happened and I've poked them again) and I'm beginning to just give up. I'm beginning to wonder if people are even interested in Narnia anymore, despite several of my friends saying things like, "Oh I love that idea!" or something along those lines.

Basically, I need help figuring out how to get people interested. I'm giving this a little longer and if nothing happens in two weeks, I'm closing it. Maybe it's timing, maybe it's that people who might be interested are just rereading the books, I really don't know. Help?

Many thanks!