July 31st, 2009

[info]bbrp in [info]modcooperative

New Big Brother RP -Co-mod?

Hi there,

My name is Stephanie and I have recently started a search for players to join in a RP based off of the Big Brother series.

See information on Livejournal here:

I thought this would be a unique opportunity to have fun and take roleplaying a little bit farther into the 'unexpected' as they would say on the television show.

I plan to have this played on a forum, but I am open to other ideas, that is my main purpose for desiring a co-mod.

I really want this game to be a success and having a second opinion and other ideas would be fantastic.

This would conclude in: Twists, General Game Play, Competitions, etc.

If you don't know any coding, design etc no worries, I have that covered and of course if that's what you like I have no problem sharing duties.

If you are interested please let me know via comment here or please message me at my current profile here [info]bbrp
