Jun. 9th, 2012


Hand-written note delivered to Chance by a gofer on Sunday afternoon )

Oct. 25th, 2011


{ Who } Maksim Isaak and OTA for reactions
{ What } There's a tiger on the loose in the carnival.
{ When } Tuesday morning
{ Where } Outside of his tent
{ Rating } R for language
{ Status } In progress

Oct. 23rd, 2011


{ Who } Maksim and Chance
{ What } An animal act arrives.
{ When } Sunday Late Afternoon
{ Where } Chance's office
{ Rating } Low
{ Status } Finished!

I have a tiger. I can do a show. )

Oct. 20th, 2011


{ Who } Chance.
{ What } Time Spent Alone.
{ When } Thursday, Late Night.
{ Where } His Trailer.
{ Rating } G.
{ Status } Complete Oneshot.

That's Just Fine. )

Oct. 13th, 2011


{ Who } Marjan and EVERYONE.
{ What } General Meeting.
{ When } Wednesday night.
{ Where } The Big Top.
{ Rating } PG.
{ Status } In Progress.

Announcements. )

Oct. 12th, 2011


{ Who } Alene and Chance
{ What } Looking for work
{ When } Tuesday morning
{ Where } The Carnival proper
{ Rating } PG [is there a rating for awkward?]
{ Status } In Progress

Oct. 7th, 2011


{ W h o } Chance and Marjan.
{ W h a t } Taking care of business.
{ W h e r e } Marjan's trailer.
{ W h e n } Friday evening.
{ R a t i n g } PG.
{ S t a t u s } Complete.

Business as usual. )

Sep. 23rd, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Graham
{ w h a t } Good News
{ w h e n } Friday, mid afternoon
{ w h e r e } Graham's Trailer
{ r a t i n g } G
{ s t a t u s } Complete

Please tell me I'm not just hallucinating again. )

Sep. 14th, 2011


{ w h o } Chance, Ishani, Graham and Albert [NPC]
{ w h a t } Visits from Uncle Albert
{ w h e n } Wednesday, late afternoon (with Monday/Tuesday highlights)
{ w h e r e } The carnival grounds.
{ r a t i n g } PG-13 (violence and alcohol use)
{ s t a t u s } In Progress

... )

Sep. 11th, 2011


Who: Chance and Lane
Where: The storage trailer.
When: Monday, about midday.
What: Lane's looking for something to do. Getting in Chance's hair is probably not his best choice.
Rating: Probably G?
Status: In progress.

~*~ )

Sep. 6th, 2011


{ w h o } Bailey and Chance
{ w h a t } Discussing Incarceration
{ w h e n } Monday; Early afternoon
{ w h e r e } Chance's trailer
{ r a t i n g } G-PG
{ s t a t u s } Complete

Bailey really wished he'd just been less rude to Graham right now )


{ w h o } Chance (solo)
{ w h a t } Chance's normal approach is useless here.
{ w h e n } Monday; late night
{ w h e r e } Chance's trailer
{ r a t i n g } PG
{ m u s i c }

When I know the shortest distance between two points, is it a straight line? )

Sep. 2nd, 2011


Projective Empathy you say? What is that?

Who: Open to Everyone being affected
Where: Amongst the trailers
When: Friday late evening
What: Michael's power switches from receptive to projective.
Rating: Let's go with X for this one
Status: Totally open for multiple threads.

sex in the rain )

Sep. 1st, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Michael
{ w h a t } Checking inventory.
{ w h e n } Monday; Mid Morning
{ w h e r e } Carnival's Storage Trailer
{ r a t i n g } G
{ s t a t u s } Complete.

If I got rid of these, she would likely split me open from navel to nose. )

Aug. 27th, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Luc.
{ w h a t } Regarding this.
{ w h e n } Monday.

A type-written letter left for Luc at his trailer... )

Aug. 21st, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Graham.
{ w h a t } Personal updates.
{ w h e n } Tuesday.

Neatly hand-written note left for Chance at his trailer... )

Aug. 19th, 2011


{ w h o } Graham and Chance.
{ w h a t } A little bit of tea and chess.
{ w h e n } Wednesday after dinner.
{ w h e r e } Graham's Trailer.
{ r a t i n g } G most likely (It's Graham and Chance, for Pete's sake).
{ s t a t u s } Complete

Maybe I can work it into the act. Hypnotise people - then pull their teeth out. )

Aug. 16th, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Graham.
{ w h a t } Business talk.
{ w h e n } Wednesday.

Type-written note left for Chance at his trailer... )

Aug. 12th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Chance
{ w h a t } Supply lists and first impressions.
{ w h e n } Early afternoon.
{ w h e r e } Gil's trailer
{ r a t i n g } G
{ s t a t u s } Complete

I'm not talking about champagne here, I'm talking about plain water. )