Jun. 3rd, 2012


WHO Quinn and Lilit.
WHEN Saturday, 2 June; before noon.
WHERE Near the animals!
RATING PG-13 for potential language.
STATUS Incomplete!

...strong, steady hands reaching out for the large, flamboyant, and rather loud bird. )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


{ W h o } Graham and OPEN
{ W h a t } Running errands
{ W h e n } Saturday afternoon
{ W h e r e } Midway behind the scenes
{ R a t i n g } PG for language (say what?!)
{ S t a t u s } In progress

He'd mostly been stuck inside all week. )

Jun. 1st, 2012


{ W h o } Bailey and EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
{ W h a t } Bonfire/story-telling/singalongs/whatevs
{ W h e n } Friday night
{ W h e r e } In the centre of the carnival's camping area
{ R a t i n g } Various
{ S t a t u s } In progress

Out with the old, in with the new. )


{ W h o } Rémy and Louise.
{ W h a t } Aftermath of this. Someone has some explaining to do.
{ W h e n } Wednesday afternoon.
{ W h e r e } Louise's trailer.
{ R a t i n g } PG?
{ S t a t u s } In progress.

Rémy wasn't sure what had happened last Sunday night, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. )

May. 31st, 2012


{ W h o } Marjan, Olivia & Liza Belle.
{ W h a t } Talent scouting!
{ W h e n } Wednesday afternoon
{ W h e r e } Salem
{ R a t i n g } Likely G
{ S t a t u s } In progress

A rumour had been going around... )