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Jun. 20th, 2012


{ w h o } Graham and Carter
{ w h a t } seeking sustenance
{ w h e n } Friday evening
{ w h e r e } Niagra Falls, USA side
{ r a t i n g } TBD

... )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


{ W h o } Graham and OPEN
{ W h a t } Running errands
{ W h e n } Saturday afternoon
{ W h e r e } Midway behind the scenes
{ R a t i n g } PG for language (say what?!)
{ S t a t u s } In progress

He'd mostly been stuck inside all week. )

May. 25th, 2012


Left on Graham's doorstep on Thursday night. )


{ W h o } EVERYONE!
{ W h a t } Party!
{ W h e n } Sunday night!
{ W h e r e } Big Top!
{ R a t i n g } F for Fun!
{ S t a t u s } In progress!

A toast! )

May. 23rd, 2012


WHO Denisa and Graham!
WHAT Somebody lost their lighter...
WHEN Wednesday, 23 May; just after sunset.
WHERE Around the carnival's camp grounds.
RATING PG-13 for potential bad language.

Someone better not have stolen it... )

Oct. 16th, 2011


{ W h o } Graham, Cameron
{ W h a t } sexytiems fun with dentistry!
{ W h e r e } Graham's trailer
{ W h e n } Wednesday
{ R a t i n g } PG-13 (warning: graphic tooth-yankin', ow.)

... )

Oct. 7th, 2011


{ W h o } Justin and Graham
{ W h a t } The Mad Tea Party most neurotic lunch there's ever been.
{ W h e r e } A very unfortunate restaurant in Boston
{ W h e n } Friday, about noon
{ R a t i n g } I honestly can't see this getting above G...
{ S t a t u s } In progress

... )

Oct. 1st, 2011


{ Who } OPEN to all the not-usually-child-friendly acts!
{ What } entertaining the patients at the Children's Hospital polio ward
{Where } Boston, Mass.
{ When } let's call it Monday
{ Rating } TBD but try to keep it G in front of the kiddies, people ;)

{ OOC note: } I hate big group threads; they always bog down and peter out. Let's pair off two by two. Just pick yourself a threading buddy and post away. Of course a character can have multiple threading buddies (ooh, sounds kinky, don't it?) just pair off multiple times.

Funny hats optional... )

Sep. 23rd, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Graham
{ w h a t } Good News
{ w h e n } Friday, mid afternoon
{ w h e r e } Graham's Trailer
{ r a t i n g } G
{ s t a t u s } Complete

Please tell me I'm not just hallucinating again. )

Sep. 19th, 2011


{ w h o } Michael and Graham.
{ w h a t } Throwing in the towel.
{ w h e n } Early Monday afternoon.
{ w h e r e } Backstage.
{ r a t i n g } G-PG?
{ s t a t u s } In progress.

... )

Sep. 14th, 2011


{ w h o } Chance, Ishani, Graham and Albert [NPC]
{ w h a t } Visits from Uncle Albert
{ w h e n } Wednesday, late afternoon (with Monday/Tuesday highlights)
{ w h e r e } The carnival grounds.
{ r a t i n g } PG-13 (violence and alcohol use)
{ s t a t u s } In Progress

... )

Sep. 12th, 2011


{ w h o } Graham, Carter
{ w h a t } hanging out between shows
{ w h e n } Wednesday
{ w h e r e } backstage at the sideshow
{ r a t i n g } G

''I sprained a wrist. My parents forbade me from ever doing it again...'' )

Sep. 2nd, 2011


Projective Empathy you say? What is that?

Who: Open to Everyone being affected
Where: Amongst the trailers
When: Friday late evening
What: Michael's power switches from receptive to projective.
Rating: Let's go with X for this one
Status: Totally open for multiple threads.

sex in the rain )

Sep. 1st, 2011


{ w h o } Graham, Danny
{ w h a t } Oh no! The petting zoo is under attack!
{ w h e n } Thursday night
{ w h e r e } back lot
{ r a t i n g } PG-13 for sad bunny imagery

Years of trying to look respectable had done nothing to prevent Graham from looking like a wild-eyed hillbilly on occasion... )

Aug. 31st, 2011



Who: Madison and Graham
Where: Inside the big top
When: Wednesday morning
What: More power fluctuations (PS-it's okay to take this open, you don't have to be a hero, just let her know there's a net about 20 feet under her. ;) )
Rating: G
Status: Complete

and the sound stopped )

Aug. 22nd, 2011


{ w h o } Luc and Graham and Gil and [OPEN!]
{ w h a t } The miracle man has a cure for everything. Even annoying people!
{ w h e n } Wednesday morning.
{ w h e r e } Luc's place.
{ r a t i n g } PG.

'Luckily for you, I have just the thing.' )

Aug. 21st, 2011


{ w h o } Chance and Graham.
{ w h a t } Personal updates.
{ w h e n } Tuesday.

Neatly hand-written note left for Chance at his trailer... )

Aug. 19th, 2011


{ w h o } Graham and Chance.
{ w h a t } A little bit of tea and chess.
{ w h e n } Wednesday after dinner.
{ w h e r e } Graham's Trailer.
{ r a t i n g } G most likely (It's Graham and Chance, for Pete's sake).
{ s t a t u s } Complete

Maybe I can work it into the act. Hypnotise people - then pull their teeth out. )

Aug. 18th, 2011


{ w h o } Graham and Beth
{ w h a t } A little company with dinner.
{ w h e n } Thursday night, supper time.
{ w h e r e } A quiet place near the food tent.
{ r a t i n g } I can't see this going over PG, probably not even over G.

~~~ )


{ w h o } Graham and Rais.
{ w h a t } Chess!
{ w h e n } Tuesday Afternoon.
{ w h e r e } Hanging around the living trailers.
{ r a t i n g } Shouldn't be more than G.

Well, they are called 'pawns'... )

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