Oct. 22nd, 2011


{ Who } Alene and Audrey
{ What } After this
{ When } Thursday night
{ Where } The carnival
{ Rating } TBD
{ Status } In progress

Oct. 20th, 2011


{ W h o } Audrey Huntington
{ W h a t } Engagements can be hard to handle when you're keeping secrets.
{ W h e r e } Savannah, GA
{ W h e n } Summer 1930
{ R a t i n g } PG

because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true ... isn't it? )

Oct. 15th, 2011


{ w h o } OPEN TO ALL
{ w h a t } campfire camaraderie
{ w h e n } Monday night after the show
{ w h e r e } the back lot, around a campfire
{ r a t i n g } PG

... )

Oct. 14th, 2011



Who: Audrey and Stanley
When: The Thursday after the kidnapping
Where: Audrey's trailer and then out somewhere.
What: Date night!
Rating: PG?

... )

Oct. 13th, 2011


{ Who } Marjan and EVERYONE.
{ What } General Meeting.
{ When } Wednesday night.
{ Where } The Big Top.
{ Rating } PG.
{ Status } In Progress.

Announcements. )

Sep. 18th, 2011


Who: Audrey and Stan!
Where: His trailer and then IDK IDK.
What: Talking. Spending time together. Other stuff.
When: Sunday morning.
Rating: PG. Probably.
Status: Incomplete.

This was long overdue and she felt terrible for that. )

Sep. 15th, 2011


{ w h o } Ben and Audrey
{ w h a t } Audrey visits Ben while he knits the most garish blanket in existence
{ w h e n } Thursday morning
{ w h e r e } Near the trailers
{ r a t i n g } TBD, likely PG
{ s t a t u s } In Progress

... )

Sep. 8th, 2011


Left for Audrey

Left at Audrey's step Wednesday mid morning )

Sep. 6th, 2011


Going Dancing

Who: Madison, Audrey, Stanley (to start) then Sebastian and Benjamin
When: Tuesday night
Where: Dance hall in town
What: Going dancing and picking up someone. ;)
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete.

I Wanna Be Loved by You... )