Nov. 2nd, 2011


{ W h o } Jimmie and Luc
{ W h a t } The man who sticks needles through himself for fun questions the doctor's credentials.
{ W h e n } Tuesday night, right after this happens.
{ W h e r e } Luc's trailer
{ R a t i n g } PG-13 for language, violence, and blood
{ S t a t u s } In progress

Just what kind of charlatan are you? )

Nov. 1st, 2011


{ W h o } Emmett and Howard.
{ W h a t } Nightmares.
{ W h e n } The Midnight Hour (Friday).
{ W h e r e } Their Trailer.
{ R a t i n g } R (Graphic Descriptions Of Gore) and Turbo-Angst
{ S t a t u s } Complete

If I was your mother, I'd have washed out your mouth with soap a million times by now. )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Michael's body fights back

Who: Michael, Jimmie, open for reactions (If your character wants to have seen this and respond, please do)
When: Tuesday after performances.
What: Luc was ill, Michael missed a healing session and his body doesn't like it.
Where: Backstage
Rating: PG-13ish for vomiting and blood and general uckiness

Cancer is resilient )


{ W h o } Sofya and Walt
{ W h a t } Round 2. How can a tiger resist?
{ W h e n }  After her convo with the Bros Mulvaney
{ W h e r e } Near the food tent.
{ R a t i n g } Violence
{ S t a t u s } Closed.

Oct. 30th, 2011


{ W h o } Alene and Dave
{ W h a t } The French Lady wakes up a new woman.
{ W h e n } Wednesday Day
{ W h e r e } The carnival
{ R a t i n g } TBD
{ S t a t u s } In progress.


{ W h o } Sullivan, Alene, Cameron, Emmett, Maksim {OPEN to multiple threads}.
{ W h a t } Who knows?
{ W h e n } Tuesday night.
{ W h e r e } A bar downtown.
{ R a t i n g } PG.
{ S t a t u s } In progress.

Sullivan was not a hard man to find... )

Oct. 29th, 2011


{ W h o } Kisa, Carter, and Danny
{ W h a t } So, the tiger came with...and is looking for her 'savior'.
{ W h e n } Afternoon, Early Week 12
{ W h e r e } Carter's trailer
{ R a t i n g } PG-13 (I couldn't rate it Rawr for tiger, now could I?)
{ S t a t u s } In Progress

Surprise! Tiger. )