Aug. 31st, 2011


{ w h o } Emma and Bailey.
{ w h a t } Seeking some refuge from the storm - and people.
{ w h e n } Tuesday night.
{ w h e r e } Mainstage tent.
{ r a t i n g } PG.
{ s t a t u s } Incomplete.

Part of showmanship was making everything look flashier than it really was... )

Aug. 20th, 2011


Characters: Emma Van Hugh & Open To Anyone
Setting: Early Evening on Monday
Summary: Emma finds a lost child and tries to help him find his parents, completely failing to notice that said child is a ghost. Otherwise known as; someone should go tell Emma that no one else can see the person she's talking to so she can stop looking crazy.
Ratings & Warnings: G / PG

People were already casting frowning glances in her direction, and she assumed it was because of her lack of mindfulness of the small child. ....right? )

Aug. 19th, 2011


{ w h o } Leigh, Rais, Ishani, David, Danny and Emma
{ w h a t } Assorted handwritten notes on small pieces of paper.
{ w h e n } Dropped off at various trailers mid-morning, Friday.

...... )