06 July 2010 at 01:01 pm
[After much messing around with the communicator, there is eventually a light flashing at him. Link's not too sure what that means, but after a moment he figures out that that means the device is on]

Is this really a communication device...? [A little in awe, a little suspicious. It's a little advanced, he's not used to these kinds of things. Can hear people talking though, so maybe it is]

Has anyone seen- [No wait, people couldn't usually see Zelda] Has anyone seen a tall suit of armour around? Kind of pink in colour, and talks? [Yeah, he knows it sounds weird] I don't know why she'd be here though... [Sigh]

Zelda I hope you're safe...
[Action | Open]
05 July 2010 at 07:14 pm
[Diva's eyes snapped open. That was all it took before she was on her feet, and bounding forward, face twisted into a sneer. She couldn't hear him. Couldn't hear him at all. Not his heart-beat or the ragged breath or even the little things that boy said to his dearest older brother. No, there was just... silence.]

[And then she fell forward, gloved hands hitting the pavement. Leaning over, Diva frowned at the chain covering her ankle and that's when she finally noticed the message scrolling in front of her right eye.]

[Livid, she started tearing at the chain, trying to get it off. Wanting to get it off. This wasn't fair! It wasn't---]


[Was she hearing things? Was that... A smile brushed over her lips as she spoke.]

Sister~ mine. So you're here as well?

[Laughing, Diva got to her feet again, hoping Saya would come for her like she usually did. She might be bound, but she could still put up a fight. Until then, she'd wait. And if she waited too long, she'd start to sing. If that didn't catch Saya's attention, well, someone would come along soon enough. Hopefully, it would be before she got bored.]

((ooc: Singing starts at 4:29 and sorry for the English dub! Also, while her voice can carry, if you wish to make your muse hear her from say across the dome, that means s/he is a good candidate to become a Chevalier (see under Chiropteran). She won't actually start singing unless she gets bored, so indicate if your character is meeting her right away or later in the day.))

ETA: To anyone looking to backtag into this post, but it is now closed as Diva has been carted off to do prison duty. Sorry! Current threads of course, are still welcome to tags.
[Video | Action]
26 June 2010 at 10:35 am
[Yuuki's out, and has a large scythe in her hands. The expression on her face is angry, though mixed with an obvious bit of uneasiness as she faces some of the raptors. She's completely alone, and there are a couple surrounding her on all sides. Her fangs show as she growls in a low voice, before shouting as she prepares herself to fight.]

I....I thought we were done with these monsters! Isn't Agatha...!?  [She starts, without finishing. She's supposed to still be properly restrained and taken care of, isn't she? The monsters are beginning to look as though they'll pounce, and the weapon raises, ready to slash,]

24 June 2010 at 10:03 am
[The bonfire going in Sector 6 is guarded by sentinels, but the area is decorated with orange and blue tents and laid out with good food, many of it toasted or hot. The flames are enchanted and cool, and they get extinguished if they're taken outside the boundaries of the little camp, but there is actually have a rich, spicy alcoholic beverage being served there, so try to have fun with that instead. (No, it will not make you breathe fire.)

[The bleachers and benches here offer the best view of the fireworks just starting to go off as the sky darkens...]

((posted slightly early, but hey, starting Friday we're going to have monsters, SO, if you don't plan to play with the monsters -- or if you do -- have some fun here! post a comment, and then comment amongst yourselves~))
o2 | voice
23 June 2010 at 08:36 am
I- I've been here for a long time now and I couldn't help but notice...


Of course Kiosan respects everyone's decision to become an adult, and Kiosan knows that's all personal business... but it's okay to slow down, too!

It's really okay to enjoy life as a kid.
[Action | semi-open]
22 June 2010 at 10:15 pm
[Jennifer took a deep breath before knocking on the door to the Kuran household. It truly was a large house and she was ever so glad Yu-chan had given her directions! Hopefully Yuuki was home. And awake! She was going to be awake, right?]

[Waits with gifts!]

((ooc: Jennifer will be taking her time making her way over to the Kuran household so feel free to bother her in Sector 4 if you'd like!))
[video | action | open]
22 June 2010 at 09:46 pm
[The video turns on and you can see the picture of a smiling girl at the beach wearing this]

It's such a nice day. There aren't nearly enough people enjoying the beach.

[Because it's really a good time to relax and not think about...things. Just water, sand, and artificial sun.]
[ voice ]
19 June 2010 at 09:07 pm
[There's a gentle voice drifting over the network, sounding tired, almost exceedingly so. Her tone seems to almost echo with the emptiness of the space around her and Juri sighs] Goodness. Such an exciting last few days...

[Haruka... Haruka, too.]

[Another sigh]
Of course, the way things have been, it's not surprising. I suppose perhaps we should have been expecting it. Perhaps...

[Finally there's a long pause]


How very rude it is, I should think, to leave two lovely ladies alone in such a big house. Not even Ruka-chan to keep us company.
[Voice | Action | Closed]
03 June 2010 at 12:37 pm
[His eyes still feel so heavy, even as he shifts his head to look at the clock on his nightstand. It's already late afternoon. Did he really sleep for so long? Since yesterday morning when he arrived?

Kaname sits up slowly, thankful that the headache has somewhat depleted, along with the dizziness. He had asked both Juri and Haruka Kuran to set aside a few moments to speak with him. He's pretty sure that they know he wishes to talk about Yuuki. But he wonders how much of their sibling situation his adopted parents already know about at this time.

He pulls himself out of bed and washes up before heading downstairs. It is easy to pick up their scent, even after all these years. They are close by, and it would seem that Yuuki and Aidou aren't home at the moment. Kaname fills the teapot with fresh water before setting it on the stove. And then he places his headset on his head so that he can send a quick voice message To Juri and Haruka.]

Forgive me for sleeping through last night. If it's not too much trouble, I would still like to discuss a few things with you two. I will be waiting at the house.
[video | open]
03 June 2010 at 10:08 am
Um, so I don't know if I actually told everyone the first time I did this, but I'm moving again! I guess it's not like we really have mail here so there isn't anything to forward. That would be kind of neat though if we did have mail. We wouldn't even need stamps. [He pauses to picture the robots rolling around with bags of letters and little hats.]

Oh! But I'll be at Mom's house in Sector four now. There is still room, isn't there? [No, he didn't actually ask first.]

Anyway, I'm just letting everyone know who might want to know something like that. [That kind of means you, Kaname.] I had a lot of fun living with Yuuki and her family and friends though. They were really great! So, it's not anything disagreeable! Not that anyone was thinking that...

And if you think you know anyone who might be curious about this who doesn't always listen to the network then go ahead and let him know please. ...Or her! I didn't have anyone in mind! [Except that he's talking about Wolfram specifically of course.]
02 June 2010 at 01:28 pm
[The video flicks on and all you see is the screen of a video game from the arcade. Those that occasionally visit the arcade might recognise the game Native Zombie 6, the sounds of Zombies dying constantly groaning in the background. Above the score of the user is a flashing HIGH SCORE and the Zombies are all being taken down with single shots. Whoever is aiming at them has obvious experience in this sort of thing.]

Is there a way to turn off that blinking light or is it supposed to be a distractionary tactic for this sort of training simulation? It's been flashing for fourty-five minutes now. It's a fairly poor distraction.

Also, how do you complete this training exercise? I think I need a higher level.

[Video | Action | Open]
24 May 2010 at 09:44 pm
[For those who have currently decided to view the video feed, the image in front of you is slightly muddled with static for a moment, but then the figure slowly materializes on the screen. It’s a strikingly beautiful man, one that many of you might be familiar with. He’s holding his hand to his neck, a bit of blood showing between his fingers as his eyes dilate slightly. His skin is paler and his eyes are filled with the sort of despair that takes years to matriculate. A sadness that lingers indefinitely in one’s conscience, slowly crippling the mind until the heart becomes almost completely barren.

And then he looks up, blinking at his surroundings before some measure of recognition evolves in his expression. His head falls back, the hand pressed against his neck wilting as it does, to show that the wound has been healed. His eyes flutter closed and his lips twitch open to reveal uneven breathing. His head hurts, he feels nauseous, and he can barely form an articulate thought, but he knows where he is. Kaname’s pale lips slowly drift into the barest of smiles.]

I guess this means… I've returned.
[action | open to Kuran household]
23 May 2010 at 11:06 pm
[Yuuri stretches a little and yawns. It's late. Or at least it's late for him. Not so much for the house full of vampires he's living with now. But he's in his room, getting ready for bed. First, the clothes come off, and then he goes to look for his pajamas.]

[That was funny. Just where had her favorite night gown gone? Wandering the house in a simple skirt and a large plain white T-shirt, she checks the laundry once more. It isn't there. For the past few days she has been taking care of the laundry as needed. She can't imagine where it could be unless she mixed it up along with someone else's clothes by accident. It isn't in her mother's room, or Ruka's either. Hmm...

Wandering down the hall, she approaches Yuuri's room. Giving the door a light knock, she reaches out and opens it before waiting for a reply.
Hey, Yuuri, have you seen my--

[... ... ...]

[He looks over his shoulder at her wearing only his royal, black thong.]

[... ... ...]


(OOC: Black = Yuuki, Blue = Yuuri, Open to all the vampires living at the Kuran house~)
[Voice - Open | Action - Kuran Residence]
11 May 2010 at 05:04 pm
Sorry for all the trouble I caused the past couple of days. I guess it goes without saying that I'm doing a lot better. I got let out yesterday. You can't even tell I was sick! A lot of us have Allen to thank for that, though I guess I'm not fully sure yet on who else caught 'The Stars'. [She laughs, rubbing the back of her neck and downplaying the seriousness of what it was she had come down with. Actually, she sounds pretty upbeat and happy, all things considered.]

So anyway, thanks a lot Allen. I owe you a large meal or something. [Aha~! She knows that you love food. Maybe even more than her, if it's possible. She sounds confident saying that but if it's her cooking you should probably be leery. Anyone remember those green chocolates for Yuuri?] Also Yuuri, Kamui, everyone else, and Zero [Hopefully his name doesn't come out too awkwardly... She's still feeling a bit unsettled about that. But.] thank you. You all helped me out a lot, including everyone else at the hospital. [She takes a breath]

Anyway... Aidou-senpai! [Bright, chipper, and slightly bossy?] You're feeling better too now, right? You better wake up if you're not already up, because being asleep for the announcement won't excuse you! [Only half joking. Because she'll stop by as promised whether he responds or not.] I'm coming to visit, and I have two individuals with me I'd like to introduce you to. So you'd better be ready! We'll come visit shortly. Mm... [Muffled noises a moment, as though it sounds like she's searching for something] I have your 'get better' present in here somewhere too. [Nevermind that it's after the fact...] I hope it didn't get squished... [If that happened...well. Oh well. Food was food, whether smashed together or not, and the other thing could probably be fixed. Maybe. Anyway more importantly.] We'll come pick you up.

[And. Oh...oh right...]

Filtered to Zero )

[Voice / Video]
04 May 2010 at 12:50 pm
[There’s an elegantly dressed woman, standing, hands at her hips and for a moment she's only listening to welcome message, in complete, grave silence--her eyes are unreadable in that silence and she almost seems angry. It's probably worth it to mention that she is the splitting image of Miss Yuuki Kurosu, only barely seeming older, hair falling in soft curls instead of the usual long straight hair.

Eventually, the woman speaks, firm and confident, almost... a little ominous:]
Very... well-informed, aren’t we? Missing a few details here and there, but I suppose it can’t be helped. Prison? Crimes?

I wonder.

In fact! I've a few concerns, if you please. Firstly, that I find myself awakening in these strange surrounding, restrained of all things--you'll excuse me for being suspicious, hm? That even my last memory before this is not quite as I'd expected or planned. [I didn't die. That means Yuuki... This...] I may very well be assuming incorrectly, but just... in... case...

Ki-sama. I promise that if you are even vaguely responsible for this and have so much as touched--no, set your mere sights--on my family, I will personally see to it that you regret ever having had the very thought.

I will absolutely NOT be kept in chains on your account.