[Action | Closed] Backdated to midmorning
04 October 2010 at 12:26 am
Miko "Jennifer" Shibuya
[Jennifer's excited. Not only were people nice enough to volunteer to help with her housing project, but she also had someone who had offered to drum up a list of supplies! He just needed to see her schematic for the new addition. So with schematic in hand, tea on the table, and a sampling of sandwiches sitting on display under glass just in case Ed changes his mind, Jennifer was just missing Ed.]

[She really hated waiting sometimes.]
[Video | Mostly Open]
04 October 2010 at 03:58 pm
Lacus Clyne
Good morning, everyone. [Lacus is cheerful as usual, and looking at her you would never know she'd suffered any injury. Her voice is also back to normal. What may seem normal or abnormal, depending on how haro-educated you are, is the two spherical AIs, one baseball sized and bright pink, and one basketball sized and... basketball colored, which are bouncing up and down behind her, one over each shoulder.]

Haro and Pink would like to invite all haros and their owners to join us for a picnic in the park this afternoon. There will be plenty of food, so anyone else who is interested should also join us, whether you are acquainted with the haros or just want to meet them.

[Behind Lacus, Pink and Haro begin a chorus of: Tag! Tag!] Oh, and there will also be some spirited games of tag and hide-and-seek. We're looking forward to see everyone!

Bye bye! Picnic! Friends!

[Ends that transmission with a wave, then begins the next:]

[Filtered to Defense Force]
Good morning. [A somewhat more official, yet still friendly, tone.] As you can see, I am once again healthy and ready to assume my duties. Thank you all for your kind support.

Is there anything I've missed?
04 October 2010 at 06:08 pm
Ah... hello? It looks like I disappeared again...

How long was I gone for this time?
04 October 2010 at 06:36 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia
[he wakes up to a blinking clock on his bedside table and an alarming notification from Acumen. after just a few beats of silence and thinking, he starts getting dressed annnnnd]

[filtered to household, plus C.C. and Rolo]

New people are coming in today that we're going to recognize.
04 October 2010 at 08:12 pm
Rolo vi Britannia
[The view from the communicator shows the fake sky of the dome, as if the owner is laying on their back... or at least the communicator is. There's a groan, and the view abruptly shifts.

The sensation of disintegrating into nothing and then being abruptly reformed is a bit jarring, and it takes Rolo a few moments to adjust. A couple moments more to realize he's still alive somehow, and another to pose the most obvious question to the world.]


[There's a bit of fumbling with the device, after which the feed is abruptly cut off. It appears he's not quite ready to go public yet.

Though anyone in sector two might be able to come across a somewhat shaky and unsteady "Lelouch" with a ball and chain attached to one leg.]
04 October 2010 at 08:37 pm
[ static. a brief video appears, of a giant blue eye. more static, this time with a teenaged yelp in the background.

[ the video comes back, it's the sky this time. dimly, the same voice can be heard calling out, apparently to his surroundings: ]

Riku? --isn't funny! --onald? --fy? Anyone?


[ then a sneaker comes down into view and there is an audible crunch. ]


[ click. IF YOU HAPPEN BY, you might see Sora on his knees, holding his cracked communicator up to his ear hopefully. ]
04 October 2010 at 09:07 pm
[The video flicks on, revealing a young man with light brown eyes an dark brown hair, and two earrings in his left ear.]

Prison, huh?

[It's not something he wasn't completely unprepared for, but to be suddenly pulled into it was confusing.]

This brochure was very helpful. Thanks to those who put it together. I noticed something about a defense force... I'm guessing I have to wait until this chain comes off, though, right?

[He's not going to deny his crimes, but he's not going to share them, either. He does wonder how he got caught by this AI, though.]

One more thing... has anyone seen a girl with goggles and white hair, possibly answering to the name 'Yurine'?
[ video | voice | open ]
04 October 2010 at 09:12 pm
[Saki is clearly not getting out of bed today. The answer? Collectively troll the entire prison, of course!]

[And wait for the robots to bring her the eggs and toast she requested. Since when was service to her door such a big deal?]

Howard Link thinks prostitution should be an offered service, so I'm looking for volunteers. Anyone got... the next seven minutes free?
The 83rd Day
04 October 2010 at 09:23 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, inmates. It is the 83rd day of the third generation, and newly processed criminals will be arriving in the facility over the course of the day.

Concerning the power outage last night, it was a minor error that resolved itself, and I apologize if it caused any inconvenience to inmates.

Today, the climate will be adjusted to progressively cooler temperatures, and some facility plant life will alter as well, in order to create a more autumn atmosphere.

Inmate Cross Marian, use of force against remote units is not tolerated. This will be the only warning.
[Video / Action | Open]
04 October 2010 at 09:29 pm
[A metallic octahedron-like figure appears via a video broadcast in what seems to be the Common Room of the Shelter. Although not humanoid in the slightest, the center of it seems to be a red lens 'eye' which moves slightly to focus.

The odd figure addresses the camera with an arrogant masculine voice.]

Acumen, huh?

[Shutters cover the red 'eye', and the machine turns slightly away.] Hmph, never heard of you. But such an introduction was completely unnecessary. Especially during my tea time.

[The shutters retract, showing the eye again, which turns again to focus on the camera once again. The entire shape tilts up and back slightly, accompanied by a noise that sounds something like a hydraulic lift.] To think you could arrest the greatest Brain Colony to live! How useless! I don't intend to be bow to your foolish "authority" and allow myself to be captured! Mwahahaha!!

You must be with Nerval to be so stupid. Isn't that so?

[He waits, briefly, for a response that doesn't come.]

Hmph, did your communications get all tied? You must be beside yourself in fear at my bold and powerful countenance!

Well, whatever. In any case, next time, tell him to send himself rather than some upstart no one has heard of!

Or maybe they will be no next time...As you'll be feeling the power of my Soul Shouts! Mwhahahaha!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

[Turning his eye away from the camera, he to where another communications window should be, at least to him. It, of course, isn't there.]

Withered Leaf! Prepare to fire!

...Withered Leaf?

[He's been distracted up until now, but it slowly sets in that his location has changed a little. He slowly rotates back to the camera. The shutters close and open rapidly thrice. His usual room is gone and replaced with...something else.

Leopard's tone quickly turns from arrogant to furious and the gap between his upper and lower shells narrows.]




[Are those sweat drops on his form?]


04 October 2010 at 09:30 pm
Subaru Sumeragi [皇昴流]
W-well, if I'm going to be in prison, then I'm glad at least my sister won't have to worry about me being gone! Since she won't notice. I hope the other version of me is a good brother to her and a good friend to Seishirou-san. It doesn't seem like it will be too bad here; I-I'm not being fingerprinted and it looks like there's a lot to do, and it seems like people are very helpful! I'm glad they wrote this brochure, and these cookies are good. I hope Seishirou-san and Hokuto don't get sent here, too; I don't think they'd have done anything that counts as a crime... I didn't think I had, either! Especially not anything violent. I'm not used to these kind of restraints! If they keep me from accidentally hurting anyone else, though...
04 October 2010 at 09:40 pm
Good morning, Marina! Also, hello new people that arrived this morning! If you need any help, I would be glad to assist you in any way possible!

[Elizabeth is rather in a good mood....or hiding some of the morning people she dealt with already. Right now, she is sitting in front of the desk in her room of the estate in Sector 5. She is lightly swinging her feet back and forth in her chair, making the finishing touches to a doll that is standing right in front of her. A doll that looks like a young girl. White curly hair that adorns a black top hat with ribbon and a blue rose on it, light pale skin, eyes closed, a black and white dress with various frills at the edges of each layer. Her legs are covered in dark blue tights and matching dress shoes. Other noticeable things is a large gold pocket-watch under her arm and a white baton in one of her hands.]

Ta da~! It's finished! All I need to do is give her a name. Anyone have ideas? [Or you can ask why Elizabeth has such a strange doll in her possession. To some people, it's actually her Angelic Layer doll she has been working on for days.]
[ Voice ]
04 October 2010 at 09:50 pm
[Oh doesn’t he just sound so amused through the network? At least his tone sounds amused, despite how much he’d love to break a harddrive or two.]

Fun little trick this so-called warden’s got. So what’s it take to go and play with the other kids or is solitary confinement the only answer this Acumen guy’s got?

[A little heh.]

What a joke. Too bad I'm not really laughing.
04 October 2010 at 09:59 pm
(Demon-Eye) Wisely
[The communicator is upside down and moving erratically. Hi Marina, have one extremely disoriented Noah in the shelter room. Not only does he look like a complete weirdo, but he is also flinging sofa cushions haphazardly around.]

...Cyril's going to kill me...