28 July 2010 at 01:10 am
Gino Weinberg
What a day. Well, at least all this is taking my mind off people disappearing. [Gino's smiling, though, if not terribly broadly. he's noticed Anya and Kallen's disappearances. he's just focusing on the important stuff, heading up to the education center to pick up some things, carrying an umbrella even though the rain is trickling off]

So, about my first self-defense class! Can I get my students' votes on whether or not we want to hold it in the dark and the fruit-punch rain--

[but he glances up. what's that shape blocking out the stars, rapidly growing larger]

That's-- Holy--!

[he dives out of the way as the ground suddenly shakes, a tremendous crash thundering through the communicator. Gino pries himself off the pavement after a second and glances up at the -- immense pizza that just smashed to the ground just outside the education center, as far as he can see, blocking the entrance to the school]

.........you... you know what? Self-defense class is canceled. Uh, and, can my -- DF guys keep a watch out for more like this?
[Action | Open]
28 July 2010 at 09:58 am
Yuuki Kuran
All because that stupid math teacher decided that we still needed to go to school today...

[Guess who is mumbling and grumbling in the quickening dawn. She's stripped down to nothing but her slip and is soaked, knee deep in the water in an secluded corner of the beach. Silly her, she should have remembered to bring an umbrella with her today, because obviously fruit punch showers had been in the forecast. Of all the things why fruit punch? Clothes ruined, her dress, cast to the side on the beach next to her communicator and other belongings, is stained red. She's tried to remove the stains, but her amateur job in the ocean hasn't done much. Maybe once home more can be done. She isn't far now but the sticky feeling in her hair and all over her body is uncomfortable and too much for her to wait.

How has something as ridiculous as that perverted robot managed to take over the dome? And if so, why hasn't it done something productive like sending people home?

She's just...going to sigh, and continue trying to squeeze that sweet scent out of her hair and rinse her body. She's aware the ocean isn't the best thing for this, but it's better than nothing. Especially when Headmaster, in all likelihood, is at home and armed with a camera just waiting for her to set foot inside.]

[OOC: Yuuki speaks Japanese without her communicator on. If someone who doesn't speak Japanese comes along though she can of course slip it back on.]
[ Voice ]
28 July 2010 at 11:01 am
❰❰ Envy ❱❱
Not what I had in mind, but I guess I can forgive our psychotic new warden for that. Whatever works!

Hey hey, Clown. It's a good time, don't you think?
[ video ]
28 July 2010 at 11:08 am
Duo Maxwell
I guess this is a case of careful what you wish for, huh? Now there's only junk food everywhere. I like junk food as much as the next person, but this is a little nuts, huh?

Oh... looks like the lights are back on... [makes a face at the sticky results from the fruit punch rain that morning, however...]

But! We could have a giant prison-wide pizza party outside the new school!
[voice || open]
28 July 2010 at 03:10 pm
[Hello again, inmates! Are we having fun yet? GIR has been quite aware that some of you aren't exactly happy with what's happening at the moment, so that's why he's got more plans up his sleeve for the rest of the day! The giant pizza, for one thing, he let fall from the sky, he's allowed the sun to gradually come up, and now he is BEATBOXING for your entertainment!

This carries on for...five minutes give or take--are your brains Jell-O yet?--before GIR starts giggling that same creepy giggle.]

Are you haaaappyyy~~?

I gave a pizza to the Tallest! I hope it didn't squish him...


((ooc: GIR is referring to Gino as his "Tallest," a.k.a. a leader of the Irkens and as for "cranky man," that is Kanda who will be blessed with the gift of 'flying' today. ♥))
[Action - Open]
28 July 2010 at 03:48 pm
Wolfram von Bielefeld
[After being awakened by GIR, the blond is less than amused. Annoying little robot, Wolfram is set on finding you and giving you a lesson.

Not only he was woken up by that meddling robot, but the dome seems to be malfunctioning, there's this sticky colorful rain, and apparently Acumen forgot to give the morning announcement. What is the meaning of this? After getting out of his apartment, Wolfram decides to look around for clues on this unusual situation.

You can find the blond patrolling -and fuming- between Sector 4 and Sector 0.]
[SEMI-accidental video]
28 July 2010 at 04:33 pm
Yu Kanda
--oddammit, the fuck!

[ a series of thumps, some louder than others, and what sounds like someone's head cracking hard. have a video of what looks kind of like the floor of an apartment, Marina, as seen from -- well, a cranky bird's eye view.

[ the video jerks around and then twists, until the "camera" seems to be pointed up at the ceiling. hands come into view, and Kanda slowly pries himself away from the plaster, grunting and cursing. after a moment, and several different clicks, switching video and voice both off -- then on again, because Kanda clearly didn't realize he'd hit those buttons during his undignified journey to the ceiling.

[ now the camera is pointed at Kanda's face, which is red with anger and also exertion. stray pieces of rumpled hair are in his eyes and his teeth are bared. ]

...Is this supposed to be funny, you sick little freak?!

[ yeah, someone is NOT happy right now. ]
[Video | Action | Open]
28 July 2010 at 05:19 pm
Lyle Dylandy
[Lyle is standing out in front of the Shelter away from the entrance. He brought his umbrella in case it is still raining fruit punch and he standing near a wall, smoking a cigarette.]

This place really has gone mad... Nothing decent to eat and food falling from the sky.

[He blows the smoke up into the air. He definitely seems a bit twitchier than usual]
28 July 2010 at 09:34 pm
Johnny Rayflo
[And the video clicks on with Rayflo's smiling face.]

Alessa, I picked you up an umbrella~! Just in case the rain comes back. I could bring it to school for you.~

[And here he is showing off a cute little white umbrella with kitty ears.]

All the excitement lately put my plans for a pool party to the side, but I will have one eventually. [Doesn't sound too upset.]

Oh and Kanda, you're definitely invited.~ [wink]

[Filtered to Invitees of Sleepover]

Now all the wonderful little girls who were invited to the sleepover, I was wondering if you would mind moving it up to tonight? I made sure to stock the fridge the night before last and wouldn't want things to go bad.~ [He's been a vampire for almost a millennium, food went bad much faster back then.]