Voice&Action [open]
11 January 2010 at 02:19 pm
((I fail at keeping up with things so this is backdated to the evening before! Sorry!))

[Anyone just outside the shelter might see the tall, dark-haired boy just standing about idly. He feels as lost as he looks, after reading his "greeting" message.]


[The deep voice coming from the teen is quiet and rather emotionless. Takashi drops to his knees, an icy sort of despair written in his dead expression.]

Where is.. Mitsukuni.

[Slumping forward, Takashi stares blankly at the ground.]

.....I deserve to be here.
[The 45th Day]
11 January 2010 at 04:30 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, criminals! You were all extremely busy last night, so allow me to remind everyone that property damage is cause for the system to revoke some of your privileges. Be careful!

Today I am pleased to announce that the headquarters for Lord Gino's defense team has been completed. It will be located in Sector 1, for those of you interested in visiting or seeing it for yourself, or even joining up! If there is anything lacking, please let me know and I will endeavor to provide it.

Also, inmate Dino Cavallone, you may be interested in visiting the pet cafe today. I believe someone is expecting you.
[Action | Open-ish]
11 January 2010 at 05:05 pm
Conrad Weller
((OOC: You may or may not know that ICly, you can't just walk into the hospital; you have to tell the friendly(?) bots a the reception area why you're there. So if you want to see Conrad, you need an IC reason to know he's in the hospital. For example: deities, telepaths, people sensitive to the smell of blood (*cough*), or anyone whose character has been told explicitly. Sages and spies also probably qualify. ~_^))

Been walking my mind to an easy time )
[Video | Open]
11 January 2010 at 05:32 pm
[Reira is terrified. No putting it lightly - she's trembling in her rather thin green dress, clutching the lighter-necklace that hangs around her neck in a death-grip, trying to figure out how all this could happen. A quick glance around at her surroundings tells her much, and nothing at all - she appears to be underwater, but in some sort of dome? How is that possible?

Then the screen she hasn't even noticed until now flickers on, and she finds out exactly what is happening to her. She's numb to most of it, but two words - statutory rape - stick in her mind like brambles, and a horrifying thought occurs to her. Could he have... but she'd said...!]

Takumi... oh Takumi, what've you done? How could you?

[She rolls the globe-shaped necklace in her palm, trying to soothe herself with the familiar action, and it seems to work a little - she breathes deep, from the diaphragm like they always said in her singing lessons, and touches the strange thing around her head. It seems to be some sort of video screen with sound, like in a sci-fi movie. She pushes one button, then the next, and that's when her face appears: pale and thin, almost hidden behind a curtain of strawberry blonde curls, with big, frightened blue eyes glassy with unshed tears]

H - hello? Does this thing - I mean, can anyone hear me? Is this really a - a prison?
[voice | open]
11 January 2010 at 06:45 pm
Euphemia li Britannia
I know it's a little early in the day, but I had an idea and I wondered if anyone else was interested in helping.

I'd like to do something nice for all the new arrivals since it can be a very stressful time. So, I was thinking gift baskets! I already have some ideas for what to put in them, but I'd love to hear your ideas too. And maybe someone to help with all the details...like delivering them.
11 January 2010 at 07:24 pm
[The video turns on, showing a none too pleased Minamimoto glaring at the lens. The area within a certain radius of him--within the length of the chain--has been completely wrecked, chairs thrown, tables tossed, cushions ripped, you get the picture.]

When Sentience or whatever that multi-processing piece of garbage goes by said something about crimes, I assumed I was going to a prison. This shithole doesn't look anything like prison! It's |hideous|. Speaking of no taste, what's up with these headsets? They're zetta tacky. I know we've all been subtracted from our timelines and shit, but this is so ... hell, I don't think they've ever been in.

[He quickly adds.] And before any of you stupid sons of digits say it, I'll crush anyone who makes the fucking soap joke. I've got an iron ball on the end of this chain and I'm not afraid to use it.
Layer 9: Future [Action/Text]
11 January 2010 at 07:30 pm
[Lain is slumped slightly over her desk at the computer labs, where she's been drowsily playing minesweeper for most of the day.

...somewhere between dosing off, her hand drifts lazily to the input on her network device.]

What are everybody's hopes for the future?

Not just for yourselves, I mean, for getting out of this place or anything, but....for all of mankind. If you could change things...if you could see the world more advanced? What way would be best?
11 January 2010 at 08:21 pm
Lacus Clyne
[A few sounds of rustling, and then the video turns on, a blurred image clearing as the camera stills. A pink-haired young woman wearing a calm smile waves at the audience, not troubled in the least that she's just been welcomed to prison.] Hello everyone, I am Lacus Clyne. I've just arrived here. Are you all doing well?

[Behind Lacus is a spherical pink... mechanical thing that's bouncing away, tiny round arms flapping. And it's saying:] I won't accept it!!
11 January 2010 at 08:35 pm
So let me try this one again...

Just in case anybody's been doing those learn-it-yourself lessons, or whatever Sentience has set up there in the education center.

Anybody wanna join a band? Or just a jam meet? Or anything?
[Video | Open]
11 January 2010 at 08:42 pm
Natsu Dragneel
[As per usual, the prisoners get their rundown of what crimes they have committed. Natsu's new to this, and when the visor flicks on to show him his he's generally confused but reads. At least until it gets to the part about owning an exotic animal. Then, a fire stirs in him, rage pounding at the vein in his temple. And unbeknownst to him, the video flicks on as he's trying to brutally take the contraption off.]

What the hell? HAPPY IS NOT MY PET HE'S MY FRIEND! That's a stupid thing to be jailed for!

[Ding - light bulb turns on. Looking around the room past the visor he sees no friends. Cue shouting to see if they're in other cells around him. Loud Natsu is now going to be loud since he disregarded the rest of the message. He also doesn't realize the video is on.]

Happy! Lucy! Gray! Ezra! Anyone out there?!
[text] | [open]
11 January 2010 at 08:51 pm
[Ariel's been walking around, or trying to learn to, and looking around at all of the things inside the shelter and out. She's unsteady on her feet, and still...lacking any sort of real clothes to speak of, but she's happy enough to just be looking around at all the new and interesting things in the prison. She pulls out the small device and starts typing again, slowly.]

There's so many strange things here! I've never seen these moving metal pieces. One of them even asked if I wanted something to eat! What do you call them?
11 January 2010 at 09:06 pm
[Dino's face appears on the headset, smiling happily.]

So, a good friend of mine came to the prison today.

[The camera moves around a bit as Dino adjusts it, and finally comes to stop on a small harmless looking turtle that opens his mouth in greeting.]

Say hi to everyone, Enzio!
[Video / Action]
11 January 2010 at 09:13 pm
Seimei--! [panning in on the very frantic face of a young boy, fifteen at most, the cat ears on top of his head flicking occasionally. He's breathless and doubled over, as if he had been running for a long time. He swallows and looks around, confusion etched all over his features]

Hello? Can someone, anyone-- uhm, it's fine if I'm here. But not... please, not now. Just five more minutes. It's okay if I come back but let me go back for just a couple more minutes!

[He stops, taking a second to let a shaky breath pass through him and he digs his phone out, holding it up and waving it around as he continues his fast pace along what seems to be a park, though he's pretty distracted] Service, service...
11 January 2010 at 09:21 pm
Oliver Queen//Green Arrow
[The video feed starts with a blond man smirking slightly]

I suppose trying to deny everything I'm accused of is useless, right?  What happened to innocent until proven guilty?  Aren't I suppose to be able to talk to a lawyer or have a trial or something?

[He looks around the room before looking back at the screen]

Please at least tell me that we're fed and able to get out of our cells....

Oh....and by the way, this?

[He pulls up the balls linked to his ankle so that anyone watch this can see it]

Nice touch.  Very kinky.....Though I'm more of a hand-cuffs kinda guy.....
[Action| OPEN]
11 January 2010 at 10:04 pm
Uchiha Itachi
[Itachi has returned to the park, because he enjoys the peacefulness there. Now that things are marginally settled between himself and Sasuke, sitting somewhere quiet--even in the snow--is all he wants of the morning.

He's still too used to waking earlier than dawn, even without his sight to see the light of day.

He won't mind someone else coming along too much.]
11 January 2010 at 10:10 pm
[ the sound of someone tapping the mic; more curious than testing. then, smooth and bright and innocuously-lilting: ]

What a cute lil' ball and chain. It doesn't quite match my outfit, but I think I like it~. Makes kind of a cheerful noise when I rattle it. [ rattle, rattle ] Don't suppose there's any chance of it coming off anytime soon, huh? [ doesn't even sound especially disappointed about this; maybe he really likes the rattle that much ]

--Ohh, and I almost forgot~. Ichimaru Gin's my name. It's nice to meet all of you. How embarrassing, it's like I was raised by wolves or something. The captain would be so disappointed. ♥
[ voice ]
11 January 2010 at 10:32 pm
... Shirley, I have a question for you.
11 January 2010 at 10:35 pm
Miharu. Miharu.

[It's already panic. Yoite had only been able to make out a few words 'criminal', 'trespassing', 'kidnapping', 'won't', and 'leaving'. Though close enough to read, even with his vision, the letters had come up fuzzy, distorted, overlapping two or three times. Shifting up, down, side ways, as he tried to read.

There's a steel ball on his ankle.

He can't Kira it away.

And worst of all-- no small boy, with huge green eyes next to him.

He doesn't understand. He's scared.

Did Kairoushuu imprison him? He just got Miharu back. Had they taken him? Could Miharu even hear him, on the other end?]

Miharu! [It's desperate; choked. It's horrible, frightening that he can't fix this obvious problem with Kira. That he's helpless.]
[Accidental Video | Please Come And Piss Her Off]
11 January 2010 at 10:37 pm
[ooc warning: Definite spoilers for R2. Also, so sorry for the tl;dr. I seriously fail at intros.]

[Have an accidental video of a face that I'm sure is QUITE recognizable for a lot of the inmates of Marina Asylum. Some of you have seen her before because she's from your world and others have seen a younger version of her, one with shorter hair and a translucently ruthless look in her eyes. Now, however, she looks slightly different. With long flowing hair and features that appear to be a bit older. It's not necessarily a physical change, but more so mental.

The furrow in her forehead creases, transforming her face into one etched with confusion and anger. Her eyes reread the accusations on the screen, mouth forming a thin white line as the color drains from her face.]

Not so important spoilery stuff about her brothers and adorable sister )

[Her chin lifts sharply before she stands up, instinctively reaching for the sword-gun that she keeps sheathed at her side. But her fingers graze her hip instead, and she releases a low groan as lavender eyes peer around the room incredulously. She isn't surprised that it has been confiscated.

The only thing she is sure of is that this is not a room at the palace or a room in the Damocles. Not knowing who to direct her animosity at, and failing to notice she is being recorded for the entire network to see, fists form at her sides, and she stands tensely there, directing her indignation above, as if she expects some sort of hidden intercom or camera to receive her insults.]

I DO NOT appreciate being dragged from my home in such a cowardly manner! I demand to know where I have been taken at once!
11 January 2010 at 10:44 pm
[The video clicks on to show a small boxy robot waving at the screen. His voice has a tinny undertone to it.]



[[OOC:Double post! Feel free to reply to EVE's reply! ♥]]
[Voice | Video | Open]
11 January 2010 at 11:29 pm
[The video blips into view as a hand adjusts the screen to show the image of a gentle looking, blue haired woman with distant blue eyes. She bows to the camera slightly in greeting before speaking. A smile is on her lips.]

Good Morning, everyone.

While I am certain you all aware of the extensive hospital facilities that have been provided for us, I wanted to give message that I'll be opening my own facility within the prison. If you are unable to bring yourself to trust the robotic doctors, or simply prefer a more human like approach to things, please come and visit when the arrangements are complete.

Sentience has offered me ample supplies, as well as plenty of space. If any of you wish to assist me, I would greatly appreciate the help.

Thank you very much.

[ With that, the feed clicks off.]

[Privite to Amaterasu]
Ammy? Are you awake?