September 1st, 2014



September Plotting

This is your plotting meme and you can absolutely post any information you'd like and have any kinds of plotting intentions that work for you! The copyable text below is just a suggestion.

Remember, not all our players are on plurk so this is the only place to plot with everyone!

Upcoming/ongoing/recent events to consider:
Siren Pearls : Ongoing
— Tyki/DF plotting : Ongoing
— Egg hunt : Aftermath
Lost & Found : Day 287 (today!)
— Newbie Day : Day 289
— Timeline Shifting Event : Day 290



hiatus end

HI MARINA. It's been a long and hectic August for me, and while I was indeed on a full hiatus for the month, I disappeared far more abruptly and completely than I had really intended to. Bullet-point version, got incredibly sick, got swamped at work, actually went on the vacation I'd taken the hiatus for in the first place, and then immediately got swamped at work again.

Fun times.

The important thing now, of course, is that I am back! I'm priming myself to dive back in for September, and in doing so, I think it'd be best to get a nice clean slate for tags going forward. SO. If there are any old threads which you would like to continue with any of my guys: Data ([info]thirdcriterion), Dexter ([info]hastohappen), or Todd ([info]mumbled_truth), please just let me know and I'll get back to it! If you'd like to figure out handwaving details for a thread instead of concluding it, or just straighten out any plotting details of any kind, feel free to contact me on plurk.

Otherwise, I will be starting up new stuff soon and am excited to get back into the swing of the game! ♥



siren clams + strong emotions + emotion-reader = ????

So I uh... realized like yesterday that these Siren Clams are really screwing up emotions for everyone and since I play someone who senses emotions, especially strong ones, maybe I should do something with that. Whoops.

ANYWAY Basically, Deanna here is the resident counselor and she's also am empath. She can kinda read emotions like telepaths read thoughts, except she doesn't often get the whys behind the emotions. So if your character has a Siren Clam and you're okay with Deanna sensing the weird / strong / good / bad / otherwise emotions your character has, let me know on this post, on her permissions post or by ematil! Maybe Deanna just happens to pass by them somewhere in the dome. Maybe they have an actual conversation. Maybe they come to her for a therapy session. Anything goes! I am really open with this and kind of hitting myself for not doing something with it earlier.

If you want to know more about her abilities, her permissions post is here. But if you'd like to play around with an empath and see where it goes, I could definitely see Deanna starting to keep track of these emotions and probably the pearls, too, since Anya came to talk to her about them and she saw Mal rolling one around his hand the day she got the SUPER ANGRY emotions from him.

So yes, tl;dr

Siren Clam emotions + emotion-reader = POTENTIAL PLOT STUFF???

If you need to reach me, my email is and plurk is stellations.

:) ♥