Posts Tagged: 'design+and+coding'

Feb. 29th, 2016



IJ Leapday Sale

I know some people were wanting perm accounts, so I wanted to give everyone a heads up that there is a sale today only.

Also, here's a script for making IJ look like DW if anyone would be into that. I haven't tried it myself yet, but a friend recommended it.

Dec. 15th, 2015



LJlogin/Firefox Updates

I spent some time freaking out this evening as I nonchalantly upgraded to Firefox 43 to find it automatically disables LJlogin (which I need like air, water, shelter, wifi). I contacted the developer to let him know, and he said he hasn't started work on re-coding so that it meets their standards, but he knew it was on the horizon, and for now we Firefox/LJlogin users still have an option:

1. Paste about:config into your browser window
2. Scroll down to xpinstall.signatures.required
3. Set it to false (which I believe I did by double clicking)

You can learn more about this here. This page also warns that version 44 (not out yet) is going to remove the ability to override. So, if you want to keep LJlogin do NOT upgrade to Firefox 44 unless LJlogin has been verified by Mozilla.

The good news is that the LJlogin developer sounds like he will be working on getting it verified eventually. Check here or here for news on that front. Not that either has been updated in a long while, but since he responded to my LJ PM in a matter of minutes I wouldn't be surprised if he does update when he has news. (OPTIMISM!)

Alternatives: The link above to learn more mentions a developer and nightly mode of Firefox that still include override features even in planned, future versions. And LJ Juggler works similarly on Chrome.

If you know any more about this situation or have other good alternatives for toggling between journals please let me (us) know! I'm definitely no expert on the tech stuff (she says from the journal of a character who is an expert on the tech stuff.)

See comments for updates.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Okay, so despite the fact that I have been in this game for...a long time, I am a lazy person and never bothered to do anything to alter the way IJ looks. I may not like all of it, but I am used to it by now.

THAT SAID. I know a lot of people wish they could change how the site looks or mess with the color scheme or get rid of Tweaky up there in the corner. So I am re-pimping this post from times long past that let you how how to get rid of certain things you may not want.

And today I just discovered (yes, after three and a half years) that IJ has several different site schemes in which you can change to. The default one when you first use the site is designed for text-only browsers/readers (something I did not know). By going to viewing options under your Account settings, you can actually select one of EIGHT site schemes depending on your preference. The Monodramatic site schemes do not even have Tweaky on them at all.

I'm sure there are a bunch of you who already know about this, but for those of us who never even bother to look for things like this, I hope it helps!

Oct. 20th, 2012



MarinaNova Contact/HMD and Profiles!

MarinaNova Contact/HMD )

MarinaNova Profiles )

Oct. 11th, 2012



MarinaNova Postcards

I just wanted to offer some postcard templates to help people out. Everyone is welcome to them, but don't feel like you have to use them. Make your own. Share your own! Feel free to add covers.

You can save the images linked below, and then use a graphics program to play your text. The lines are for the address. You can write the character's name, apartment, and sector if you know them, but don't feel like you need more than a name! You can always remove the lines completely with a white box or some deleting.

Postcard back templates
Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5

Da Font

Mail Them!
MarinaNova Post Office

Jun. 19th, 2012



Design and coding

Here are some links to offerings that have been given before as well as some new plurk emotes to use if you like!


Multiple Icon Uploading: 2 Options

Profile template with large image
Profile template with icons

Custom Layout Options: With image
Custom Layout Options: Without image

Adjusting IJ Site Scheme
Various tools and tips

Relationship meme

Tiny icons and how to use them