August 31st, 2014



Hello all!

Just letting you know that I will be going on hiatus for the month of September as I am starting a new job tomorrow. Lot of training involved and I want to get settled so taking a break is what I need.

This affects both Bonnie here and Rose (justexisting) I will be putting them both on autopilot and godmode rights belong to castmates and close CR.

Should you need to contact me for anything, drop me a PM, email me at or if you have plurk, I am @marymoo.

Take care!!



August Activity Check

+ + + Please note that the activity level has changed. We will also be responding to each comment to let you know your AC has been checked from now on. + + +

Full activity check guidelines here.
Viable posts take place within August.
Respond before September 7 at 11:59pm EST.

• Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. You may post all characters in one comment, but it is also fine to split them especially if some characters meet AC earlier than others.

• Make sure to fill out every field.

• If you are using less than 6 threads please delete the extras though you are welcome to show a little extra activity as long as it doesn't exceed 6 threads.

• Replace "THREAD" with a link to a qualifying thread your character participated in. Replace "#" with the number of comments in that thread. If you use a thread that includes over 19 comments you are welcome to write 19+ rather than counting all of it.

• Do not update the comment number once you've replied, but you are welcome to continue tagging. It will help us know there are at least that many comments in the thread.

• The simplest way to report your AC is to link only one thread at a time! If you can click on the link and see multiple threads, you did not do this. Do not assume we will know you mean all the threads or only the first thread or only your two longest threads. If you want more flexibility see these examples, otherwise just link one thread at a time even if that means linking in after the first comment on a mingle. We will still count that comment even if we don't see it!

Rules Digest: Same as in the full guide linked above )

Any character who was admitted in August must respond, but is only responsible for half AC.

Examples: Check out previous AC examples from Haunt and Rica.
Questions: Here.



Sunday Speakeasy


The dayweek has ended! It's time for announcements, memes, plotting, and .gifs! Catch up on game activity in our digests, and use the rest of the post as you see fit!

It is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

Mod Contact | Marina Calendar | Player-run Organization Directory | Permission Post Directory



What's Lost Is Found, Extreme Edition

Incoming plot! Details are under the cut. TL;DR version below. ^_^

What was once lost... )


- Piper is casting a spell that finds lost things.
- The spell will misfire and cause lost things (things only! no people!) that were already in the game to start appearing all over. Nothing that has not previously been in the game and nothing that used to belong to a dropped character that was lost when the character disappeared from the dome!
- These things can be anything from dyed hair going back to natural colors to misplaced pens to lost jewelry.
- Piper will finally be able to cast the reversal spell early the next morning.
- The reversal spell will only make the items that weren't important be lost again. Anything your character found as a result of the spell that they want to keep can be kept.

This event will be starting TOMORROW, September 1st for Day 287, and will be finished when Piper can cast the spell at the early on the morning of Day 288, next Sunday night into next Monday morning.

Any questions, feel free to ask in this thread! I've turned off notifs, too, so feel free to use this post to plot and plan if you want someone else to find your character's stuff!