Posts Tagged: 'return'

Dec. 20th, 2016




Oh good god have I been away too long. Unannounced. ... I'm sorry. I FINALLY finished cross stitching my daughter's xmas stocking. I just have to now sew it into a stocking shape, which is actually the hard part, but the time consuming cross stitch is finally done. So I should be back to tagging fairly regularly. Of course, xmas is right around the corner, but I'll do my best.

Aug. 12th, 2016



Hiatus off

Heya, guys! It's Kiri (who plays Kaya from Akatsuki no Yona) and I missed you guys a lot! Hope you're having a great summer or winter or neither*, depending on where you live!

Just letting you guys know that I've returned from vacation hell, and that I'll be tackling my tags from last month tomorrow or the day after. But if I reply to something old you wish to drop, don't feel obligated to tag it back just because I'm a backtagger. Just leave it at that, no problem by me~! I'll continue for as long as you want.

Good to be back, and if you need me for anything poke me here or @Plurk.

* Shoutout to the Southern Hemisphere and the Tropics!

Mar. 8th, 2015



I'm back!

Hi again and hello to anyone that is new that joined since I dropped! I'm Aly, and I play Shallan Davar from the Stormlight Archive.

I can be added on Plurk if you want, I enjoy having people to talk to.

Jan. 12th, 2014



star trek: return of the drone.

obligatory gifs under the cut to spare your flists ♥ )

hello marina. i wish i knew how to quit you. tamzin here, returning to the game after bowing out last year when work made keeping up with things and making ac next to impossible. i've brought seven of nine of star trek: voyager fame back with me, who will remember everything about her time in the dome once the fogginess clears.

to those not familiar with seven, she's a liberated borg drone whose personality is a constant work in progress and still sees the world through borg-tinted glasses. she's a cybernetic being, more technology than physiology in some regards, and is quite literally a walking wikipedia of knowledge she's retained from the borg. that said, she's an a+ hacker and thus has a permissions post over yonder that i'd appreciate if you took the time to fill out!

i have a plurk over at starfleet, but honestly, your best bet is my contact post if you need to get a hold of me. plurk is not always accessible, thus can be unreliable. can't wait to get back into the swing of things!! ♥
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Apr. 15th, 2013




/nervous laughter goes here/

So, yeah... I didn't post about it, but I've been on hiatus for a while. I'm back now hopefully and I did drop a couple of characters. But, I'll be going through and doing some backtags. If you want to drop, feel free to leave it off and not answer. I understand tons of them are like way old, so no hard feelings if you want to drop.

If there are any threads you want me to focus on, poke me here and I'll do my best!

Sorry for disappearing, and I'll be working through and catching up as best I can!

PS - Characters are Duo [info]devine_braid, Tieria [info]trial_by_veda, Kitty [info]kitty_phase and Piper [info]trytobenormal. I'm also finishing open threads for MOMO [info]pechesagittaire and Touma [info]streamofthesky, though they are dropped and I will not be starting anything new for them.
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Aug. 20th, 2012




I'm saying now that I'm officially off hiatus! Woo hoo!

TL;DR about things )

With that, Piper here as well as my other characters, MOMO [info]pechesagittaire, Tieria [info]trial_by_veda, Duo [info]devine_braid, Touma [info]streamofthesky, and Kitty [info]kitty_phase, are all back to play with. Just in time for 4th Wall! :D

Also, I know I have some really old backtags to get to. I'll be going through and tagging them, but don't worry about dropping it if you don't want to go back that far. It's all good.
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Aug. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]

HEADS UP I have returned from my short hiatus with Road Kamelot and Stiles Stilinski. Unfortunately, Naoto Fuyumine and Sakura Kinomoto is still on hiatus, mostly because I'm trying to gradually get back into my groove. So yes! /disappears

Aug. 2nd, 2012




Just letting everyone know that I'm back from vacation and better rested now that we've unpacked everything and caught up on lost sleep. ♥ I was actually thinking about coming back a couple of days earlier, but my bunny rabbit came down with a little stress-related sickness, so I had to tend to her first before anything else. :c

Anyway! This is Koko, bringing back Axel and Catherine, but unfortunately I will not be bringing back GIR because I have decided to drop him. I just figure that the inspiration for him has completely run out and that I can't keep up with his spunky self at this time. :c

If you'd like either of the two muses for anything whatsoever, don't hesitate to let me know!
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Jul. 25th, 2012



Permission Post + Hi again

Hey everyone!

So I'm finally back after a rather sizable hiatus and vacation. I missed the move because I was visiting family out of state, but I'm back now and ready to get into the swing of things. I'm afraid that because of all this I'm sort of lost as to what is going on with the defense force. Haunt filled me in on some of the details.

For people that are Team Captains of the temporary teams, if possible I'd like to add Yuuki to one of the groups. She joined the force again RIGHT before the move. She'd still want to keep up with things though. Is someone willing to add Yuuki into their team and fill me in on who's there, their activities, etc? Yuuki's abilities might come in handy if a particular group needs someone for something specific, whether it be flying (through transmutation) her ability to detect blood, etc etc. We can assume she's been doing stuff with the group actively, if people are cool with this? OTL Man - vacation seriously came at the wrong time.

DF aside, to anyone new, hi, I'm Kitten! I play Yuuki Kuran here. She's a pureblood vampire from a crazy shoujo manga called Vampire Knight. She's a sweetie though!

Because of her abilities I want to repost that she has a Permissions Post. Please feel free to fill that out and let me know what is and isn't okay! She has a crazy amount of abilities and powers in canon and even if they are watered down here I definitely don't want to step on toes! That said, despite her strength she's sort of considered the ultimate prey in her world. Her blood has innumerable magical properties (such as healing and strength and abilities) and it's considered incredibly tempting because of just how pure it is, coveted even among humans.

I added an additional section to her permissions post, but it's small. If you want to re-tag it with the addition to it, feel free to, though I'm not sure that it will make too big of a difference for some.

That's about it! Thanks for everyone who's been helping me catch up. ♥

Edit: P.S. I dropped Kobato. ;; Just can't handle another character at this time.