Posts Tagged: 'drop'

Jul. 24th, 2017



-1 Thief

It's taken awhile for me to decide, but I have finally chosen to drop Remy from the game. I am sad to, as I have enjoyed the threads I had had in this game, the interactions with players, but sadly something just hasn't clicked in this game for me, and I feel bad holding a character that I am not going to be active on, so for now I am going to bid it au revoir.

Thank you for all those I had amazing threads with for making my time here enjoyable.

Apr. 14th, 2017



-1 Haunt

Hey, everyone, I am dropping Kitty which means I'm exiting the game which means I'm also leaving as a mod. Do not worry though! The game is continuing. Rica is still here and she'll be making an announcement within the week about it.

It's been a long run. I started this game on Day 10 with Yuuri as a player and then took over as a co-mod a few years after that. I've enjoyed these last eight years with all of you and everyone else who has passed through our inverted snowglobe of a prison. I'm thankful for everything we got to do together and all the wonderful CR built up over that run over all the many characters I played including the occasional NPC.

I am still on plurk for everyone who wants to keep in touch.

Time to wave goodbye in the only way truly fitting.


Apr. 1st, 2017




I'm dropping Shallan and Angelina from the game, I just haven't been feeling them recently. I'll keep Hazel around, though.

Mar. 31st, 2017




I'm going to drop Luke from this game, because I haven't been able to get him active again, and it's not fair to just sit on him...I won't rule out apping this game in the future with someone else, but Luke isn't giving me much to work with here, so it's time to go. Thanks for having me.

Mar. 28th, 2017




I've been debating this for a while, but I've reached the conclusion that M'gann is just not really talking to me at the moment. So I'm going to go ahead and have her say goodbye to Marina, for now at least.

I'll still be here with Lyle, Michiru, Trowa, Carl, and Shiro

Mar. 18th, 2017




unfortunately, while you are great this game just doesn't seem a good fit for zed as a character. so it's not me it's you, i mean uh... it's me not you... or something?

anyways, it's been fun. feel free to unfriend me on plurk/aim/etc (or don't i don't mind).

stay awesome.

Feb. 14th, 2017



-1 Time Lord

I'm so sorry to do this guys, but I'm completely overwhelmed IRL with grad school demanding clinicals now and starting a new job that is more physically demanding and time consuming. I'm having a really difficult time to find said time to RP right now. I love this game and love the Doctor's CR, so maybe one day I can come back. Sorry to let anyone down. This was a really difficult decision to make.

Jan. 20th, 2017




Hi. I have decided to drop the game, apologies to any of Wendy's, Obi's and J's cr. I've had lots of fun.

Oct. 1st, 2016




I am letting Euphie go back to her life-sustaining pod in the big creepy room full of everyone. (This is a drop post.) She would have been in the game 7 years as of Day 401 and it's been a great run. I think I've just come to my end with her. All of her CR was amazing. Thank you all for making it a great nearly 7 years!

She was the one coordinating the school. So, if anyone is interested in taking that over talk to a warden. (I can given you the info I have on it too, but it also might be good to freshen up the concept. It could use some reinvigorating if it continues.)

And, of course, I'm still here with Kitty forever.

Apr. 4th, 2016



Drops :(

Hi all,

Because of RL stuff sucking up all my attention and energy, I've decided to drop both Yen and Calliope for now. I might come back sometime later, but I need my plate clean for a while and I'd rather not keep struggling along.

<3 you, Marina

Dec. 29th, 2015




Hey everyone.

This has been a long time coming but I have decided to take a break from the game. My activity has been lax and I haven't done a thing so I'm going to be dropping Rose.

I am hoping that this will be a temporary measure and that I will come back with her but I think it would be best for both myself and the other players if I did this.

You are all so lovely and I've met some great people through this game so thank you to those who threaded with me in my time here. It's been so incredible.

I'm reachable on plurk @marymoo but if you wish to defriend me, I am fine with that.

Take care!

Mary ♥

Oct. 25th, 2015




I hate to do this, but I am just not feeling the drive for kid Loki anymore. I'm super sorry! Thank you so much to everyone for the CR and working around my hiatuses and everything! I'll miss Marina. :(

Oct. 1st, 2015




As much as I hate to do it, I've decided it's time for Wally to say goodbye to Marina after a 160+ day stay (over 3 years in real time!) in the prison. I've been really struggling on what to do with him the past few months, and with Haunt dropping Artemis, this just felt like the right thing to do instead of continuing to hold on and hope the spark would come back. And since Wally was the only character I had in the game, that means I will be bowing out as well though I do hope to be back with another character at some point in the future because I really do love this game and everyone in it.

But until then, I would just like to thank Haunt, Rica, and everyone else that has been part of the game for making my three years here with Wally as enjoyable as they could possibly be. Not only was everyone absolutely wonderful to me, but I can't even begin to tell you all how much of a blast I had playing Wally off of your amazing characters.

So, yeah, thanks for all that and I wish you fine people nothing but the best!

Sep. 30th, 2015



Drop (characters, not the game)

Artemis Crock [info]greenerarrow
Olivia Moore [info]dieless

Are both getting lost in the dimensional stabilizer. I love them. I love all of you and their CR with you! But it's hard to balance 6 characters, and I hope this serves to improve my performance with the other four who are sticking around!

Okay, before I get all explain-y and regret-y I should sign off. #marathonplayersdonthandledropswell

Aug. 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi Marina.

I'm here with some really sad news today. It's pretty obvious that I've been struggling for some time here, an issue which has only been exacerbated by my character choices.

So, sadly, I am parting ways for the time being. I have every intention and hope of returning - soon - once I decide on which character would be best suited to diving back into things here with. I just want to be careful instead of rushing into another muse and hitting the same issues all over again. Please accept my apologies for the flakiness that's ruled my time here recently, and I'll look forward to coming back in full swing.

Be well, dears. Catch you again soon.
♥ Rae

Dec. 2nd, 2014




I'm afraid it's time for Tenma to go home. I had a lot of fun playing with him here, but I don't really feel like I have a solid voice with him. Thank you for everything! And who knows, I might come back with someone else in the future, since I can't really say goodbye to Marina so easily.


Nov. 29th, 2014



Always a sad time, but I think this one's finally come. I thought putting myself on a month-long hiatus would freshen up my RP juices for this game, but alas...

It's been two and a half solid years of laughter and tears, but I'm officially dropping Zatanna, and thus, leaving. She's been in the game since it was just Marina Asylum, and I have never once regretted apping her here. Special shoutout to all my wonderful canon mates during that time, and also to all the glorious CR she's had here. Some character interactions I would NEVER have expected. Some plots and threads I could never have dreamed of until they happened. It's been a wild and crazy ride, that's for sure.

This little magician will be leaving behind very little in the way of material possessions, save for her precious Siberian Husky, Robin Jr...who will either go back to the pet shop, I suppose, or else will remain on with Aunt M'gann and Aunt Artemis and Uncle Wally. (Don't get her dog fat, Wally).

Maybe some day, I can poke my head back in for a 4th wall or something, but until then....see you up on the shores


Aug. 7th, 2014




Hi everyone.

Olivia, who plays Gwen Cooper here. Due to life happening I will not for the foreseeable future be able to play in Marina. It saddens me, but I hope to be able to re-app as soon as I feel stable enough to do so. I’ve really liked being here.

All my best,

May. 7th, 2014



drop, -1 mentat

it took me forever to reconcile myself to this, but with college approaching so quickly i think i'm going to have very little time or energy for a game, and my activity and drive have been waning a lot as it is. it's been almost two years and i've had so much fun here (i hope to bring piter back someday; maybe briefly for fourth wall this year, at least!), but for now, this is goodbye.

i'll still be around on plurk, and i'd be really happy to do casual threads or psls with anyone who'd like to (i'll also still be working on finishing current threads here)— so if you'd like to rp at any time, pp me and we can hash things out! i welcome anyone who would still like to remain friends on plurk or add me. c:

take it de vriesy, marina. goodbye and thank you all so much! it's been amazing. ♥

Apr. 13th, 2014



so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

i'm sorry to do this, everyone, but attempting to play in a game around being a full time teacher with a dozen other side duties isn't working out. coming back to marina after i thought i had a better grip on my free time and ability to navigate it only served to drive the point home further. that said, seven of nine ([info]borg) and liz parker are going home as of the start of monday's dayweek. apologies to seven's castmates and the cr they've both amassed during their time in the game.

so long, and thanks for all the fish tentacles, marinanova! ♥