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December 2nd, 2011

[info]liilybean in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Lily and Quentin.
What: Meeting up.
When: Backdated to Monday evening.
Where: Quentin's room.
Warnings/Rating: Low, probs.

We've got our fingers crossed, our fingers crossed. )

[info]dancingtam in [info]makebelievelog

Who: River Tam, Andy Gallagher, Donald Blake
What: Donald being doctor-like
When: Friday, December 2nd, 2011
Where: River's rooms
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, will change as necessary; Mention of death, gore inevitable.
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]pad_foot in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Sirius and Regulus Black
What: Updating wards and brotherly bonding.... Or not.
When: BACKDATED to Thursday night.
Where: Starting outside Regulus' rooms, then into the grounds.
Rating/Warnings: High, probably. For swearing and angst.
Status: Closed / Incomplete

[info]justbeingabamf in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Kurt Wagner and OPEN to someone who can realize he is hurt. [Castiel? But anyone else is fine]
What: Kurt comes back from the mission and something isn't right.
When: Friday Night after the mission
Where: Castle, right by the front entrance
Warnings/Ratings:Character Death: Kurt Wagner, possible mentions of blood and some gore?
Status: Incomplete/Open

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. )

[info]tictic_boom in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Tabby Smith and Daryl Dixon, the older ones.
What: Tabby can't go on the mission because of her sprained ankle so she waits and hopes Daryl comes back.
When: Friday night after the mission
Where: Tabby's room.
Warnings/Ratings:Cussing and mushy stuff.
Status: Incomplete

Tabby Smith didn't cry about much but this damned boy was making her sob like a baby. )

[info]hybridvamp in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Selene and OPEN
What: Selene is beat up physically and emotionally
When: After the food run
Where: Main hall of the castle
Warnings/Ratings:Blood and gore. Discussions of bad things happening to PCs and NPCs. Bad language.
Status: Open/Incomplete

Selene was barely able to stand when she was transported back to the castle. )
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