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November 24th, 2011

[info]onetwothreeofme in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Elphaba and Jamie Prime with a Dupe and Quentin Coldwater
What: Jamie tries to get to Elphaba but without Kurt he can't just teleport to her.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: In the castle nearing her room, ends up in Andromeda's room.
Warnings/Ratings:Character death, high and graphic violence with Reavers

He ran until his legs felt like they might give out. )

[info]ex_themighty647 in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Thor and Jennsen
What: Thor fights in the courtyard and kicks some major butt then gets a text from Quentin Coldwater asking him to find Jennsen.
When:Thursday Afternoon
Where: Castle Courtyard
Warnings/Ratings:death of reavers and extreme violence
Status: Incomplete

Have at thee! )
Tags: ,

[info]londonsociopath in [info]makebelievelog

Who: John Watson and Sherlock Holmes (Later, Gregory House)
What: ...Christmas shopping, for Gregory House.
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Outside the City
Warnings/Ratings:John Watson being a badass motherfucker, Reaver death, Autopsies handled in poor taste

If you take the shot, Dr. Watson.
Make it Count )

[info]redscarves in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Ariadne, Arthur
What: Reaver attack
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: East Wing, 4th floor hallway
Warnings/Ratings: R - violence, death. Character death of Ariadne via stabbing/impaling
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]jayneonthecobb in [info]makebelievelog

Who: Jayne and OPEN to anyone
What: Jayne + guns = Reavers + gruesome deaths
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Starts at Jayne’s room, TBD from there
Warnings/Ratings: High, graphic descriptions of violence, NPC Reaver Death Swearing, Will update as necessary.
Status: In progress/Open

For once, Jayne’s wish to be right had nothing to do with his pride and everything to do with a gut wrenching fear gripping his chest. )

[info]littlest_king in [info]makebelievelog

Who: All the Ickles and the Adults who save them from the Reavers (OPEN to basically anyone)
What: Reavers land on Castle grounds and start to go after the ickles
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Castle grounds
Warnings/Ratings: High, graphic descriptions of violence, NPC Reaver Death Swearing, Will update as necessary.
Status: In progress/Open

***Each sub-thread is a different ‘thread’, write the names of the characters participating in the thread in the Subject line. If the sub-thread is open to anyone to join, put ‘OPEN’ in the subject line***

The ships, loud and looming, appeared suddenly  )