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Nov. 14th, 2012


WHO Nick and Seamus.
WHAT Seamus has an episode.
WHEN 11/14, 3:30pm.
WHERE Outside the library.
PROMPT Off Your Rocker
STATUS Incomplete
text here )

Nov. 13th, 2012


WHO: Bea and Charlie
WHERE: Chappaqua; baby boutique
WHEN: November 13, 2019; Morning
WHAT: Looting
PROMPT: ‘It followed me home; can I keep it?’
RATING: Medium-ish

✧✧✧✧ )


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: November 13, 2019; mid-afternoon
WHERE: Their place.
WHAT: Finally having a rational conversation.
RATING: Probably low, because sleeping kidlets are present.

★ ★ ★ )


WHO: Zach and Charlie
WHAT: Zach begins to mend bridges.
WHERE: Charlie's cell.
WHEN: November 13th, 2019; Early Morning.
PROMPT: 'Don't wait up for me'
RATING: Medium, maybe.

♠ ♦ ♠ ♦ ♠ )

Nov. 12th, 2012


WHO: Jax and Jess
WHERE: the infirmary
WHEN: November 12, 2019 ; late afternoon
WHAT: Jax is restless. This is always bad news unless you have tranquilizer darts.

* * * )


WHO: Brandon and Silas
WHERE: Outside the security office
WHAT: Bro fight.
WHEN: November 11, 2019; Late Evening
RATING:Medium, most definitely

✧✧✧✧ )

Nov. 10th, 2012


WHO: Marlena and Dominic
WHERE: Courtyard
WHEN: November 10th, 2019; Evening
WHAT: Talking
PROMPT: ‘on edge’
RATING: Medium, probably.

✧✧✧✧ )


WHO Vienna and Noah
WHAT Dinner and a chance for Noah to prove himself.
WHERE Noah's cell.
WHEN November 10th, 2019; Evening
RATING Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )

Nov. 9th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: November 10, 2019; morning
WHERE: Infirmary waiting area
WHAT: Chatting before meeting the godson.
RATING: Medium, maybe.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 8th, 2012


WHO: Rae and Silas
WHAT: Preparing their own memorial. Until EJ decides to make his presence known.
WHERE: The roof of guard building 1.
WHEN: 11/09/19, early evening.
RATING: Medium

This was more for him than for her, after all. )

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