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Nov. 7th, 2012


WHO: Everett and Zach
WHERE: the gym
WHEN: November 7, 2019; afternoon
WHAT: building muscles, passing the time of day

sometimes, distracting himself from his own brain was the best option )

Nov. 6th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Bea
WHERE: Sing Sing, then Ossining
WHEN: November 6, 2019; Morning-ish
WHAT: Looting, and getting away from the Sing Sing chaos for a while.
RATING: Medium-ish

✧✧✧✧ )

Nov. 5th, 2012


WHO: Piers and OPEN
WHAT: Looting trip!
WHERE: Out and about in Ossining.
WHEN: 11/05/19, afternoon
RATING: TBD/medium

Placeholder until I am done with errandlike things! )

Nov. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Leah and Vienna
WHEN: November 3, 2019; mid-morning
WHERE: Leaving Kori's room, then wandering.
WHAT: Chattery.
RATING: Probs medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


WHO Vienna and Noah
WHAT Taking a break and chatting.
WHERE Near the clean up from Tallis bomb.
WHEN November 2nd, 2019; Late evening
RATING Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )


Who: George and Jess.
What: Getting George out of the way and other medical stuff.
When: [Backdated] Nov. 1, immediately after the explosion.
Where: Between Guard Towers 1 and 2.
Rating: Low/Medium.

Someone was really dumb )

Oct. 31st, 2012


WHO: Tallis
WHAT: A rather... intense outro.
WHERE: The wall near guard tower 2.
WHEN: November 1st, 2019 ;; 1:00 pm
RATING: High for explosions and death.

Placeholder of +10 craziness. )

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