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Jan. 12th, 2012


WHO: Eloise and Evan.
WHAT: Things are said.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: January 12th.
RATING: Medium.
STATUS: In progress.

And if I found time, to go away or your way / And if we found time, I'd want it more and more. )

Jan. 1st, 2012


SCENARIO: Zombie Free New Years
WHO: Kori and Mike.
WHAT: Ringing in 2019.
WHERE: Times Square.
RATING: Low they're happy people.
STATUS: In progress. Let's just pretend I put this up yesterday

I won't let you down if you take my hand tonight )

Dec. 31st, 2011


SCENARIO: Zombie free New Year's
WHO: Liam and Leti
WHAT: Making a new friend on New Year's Eve
WHERE: Faherty's
STATUS: In progress

What can I get for you? )


SCENARIO: Zombie Free New Year's
WHO: Eloise and Brennan
WHAT: Ellie is out of her mind, and Brennan is her gentleman savior.
WHERE: Streets of New York.
RATING: Medium/High. Not sure...?
STATUS: In progress.

gravity, no escaping / not for free )


SCENARIO: Zombie-free New Year's Eve.
WHO: Charlie and whoever else is on security around Times Square.
WHEN: December 31, 2018; night.
WHERE: Times Square.
WHAT: FBI Agent Charlie West is bored up in her sniper's perch. She provides amusing commentary over the radio channel.
RATING: Medium to start. Charlie's still got a foul mouth.
STATUS: Placeholder for now.

Pay no attention to the blank space behind the curtain. )


AU Day!

SCENARIO: Zombie-free New Year's Eve!
WHO: Leah & Charlie
WHEN: December 31, 2018; around 11:00PM, an hour after this.
WHERE: Between Bryant Park and Times Square.
WHAT: Charlie encounters Leah just in time to save her from a mugger.
RATING: High, for swearing probs.
STATUS: In progress.

So much for staying awake until midnight... )


AU Day!

SCENARIO: Zombie-free New Year's!
WHO: Leah & O'Brien
WHEN: December 31, 2018; around 11:30PM and after this
WHERE: Times Square
WHAT: A random encounter. Leah runs into O'Brien and asks where her brother is.
RATING: Medium, maybe.

After parting ways with Charlie... )

Dec. 30th, 2011


WHO: Liam and Noah
WHAT: Noah somehow gets convinced to leave the safe house, terrible things result
WHEN: Forward dated to 3 Jan. 2018
WHERE: Grand Central, then wandering
STATUS: In progress.

Noah had a particularly bad nightmare dogging him since he woke up this morning.... )


WHO: Liam and Guillien
WHAT: Guillien has been sent on an errand, will return with another nickname
WHEN: Forward-dated to 5 Jan. 2018
WHERE: Federal Hall
STATUS: In progress.

Though they didn't comment on his raging idiocy on the forums.... )


WHO: Kate and Brennan
WHAT: Brennan has something he needs to say
WHEN: 30 Dec. 2018, 20:00
WHERE: NY Public Library, Periodicals Room
STATUS: In progress.

While he was pacing, Brennan realized that it was almost New Years... )

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