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Nov. 23rd, 2012


Who: George and Leah.
What: Looting for Christmas presents and Mari's tutu.
When: [Forward Dated] November 25, midday.
Where: Ossining.
Rating: Medium?

f f f f )


WHO: Maddie and Caitie
WHEN: November 24, 2019; late afternoon
WHERE: The new room they hijacked.
WHAT: Moving in and stuff.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 19th, 2012


WHO: Rae and Silas
WHEN: October 19, 2019; Early Afternoon
WHERE: Rae’s apartment
WHAT: Lunch and a movie... and a breakdown and awkward!
RATING: Medium?

✧✧✧✧ )


WHO: April, George & Luke
WHEN: November 19th, 2019; Afternoon
WHAT: Mistaken identity and an introduction.
WHERE: The Laundry room.
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )


WHO: Ollie and Lexi
WHAT: An unexpected arrival.
WHERE: Lexi's cell.
WHEN: 11/19/19, noon.
RATING: Medium, maybe. For language and stuff.

To be honest, he wasn't entirely sure how this reunion would play out. )

Nov. 17th, 2012


WHO: Maddie and OPEN
WHEN: November 18, 2019
WHERE: The baseball field
WHAT: Driving around in one of the golf carts. An accident involving a crushed hand.
RATING: Medium to be safe

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 16th, 2012


WHO: April and Luke
WHEN: [Forward-dated] November 17th, 2019; Early Morning - 1AM
WHAT: Long awaited reunion of the Nichols twins.
WHERE: Route 9A - Ossining.
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )

Nov. 15th, 2012


WHO: Marlena and Leah
WHEN: November 15, 2019; Afternoon
WHAT: Confrontation.
WHERE: Near the cafeteria.
PROMPT: 'It's not what you know; it's who you know'
RATING: Medium.

✧✧✧✧ )


WHO: Jax and Nick
WHEN: November 15, 2019 ; afternoon
WHERE: the rec room... of doom
WHAT: shenanigans of some sort
WARNINGS: Low, probably

it was time to see what else there was to get into )

Nov. 14th, 2012


WHO Nick and Rae
WHAT Talking and things.
WHERE Rae's apartment
WHEN November 14th, 2019; Evening.

╰☆╮✩╰☆╮ )

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