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Dec. 5th, 2012


WHO: Bea and Vienna
WHEN: December 5th, 2019; early evening
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Decorating their tree
CHALLENGE: AWW! and Less Than 250
RATING: Medium, probs

✧✧✧✧ )

Nov. 30th, 2012


Who: Noah and Vienna
When: November 30th, 2019 ; late afternoon
Where: Vienna, Bea and Ledger's room
What: Noah plays detective and gains some intel.
Rating: Medium?

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Nov. 10th, 2012


WHO Vienna and Noah
WHAT Dinner and a chance for Noah to prove himself.
WHERE Noah's cell.
WHEN November 10th, 2019; Evening
RATING Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )

Nov. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Leah and Vienna
WHEN: November 3, 2019; mid-morning
WHERE: Leaving Kori's room, then wandering.
WHAT: Chattery.
RATING: Probs medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


WHO Vienna and Noah
WHAT Taking a break and chatting.
WHERE Near the clean up from Tallis bomb.
WHEN November 2nd, 2019; Late evening
RATING Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )

Oct. 15th, 2012


WHO Vienna and Bea
WHAT Long awaited family reunion.
WHERE Outside the guard room building.
WHEN October 15th, 2019; Late evening.
RATING Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )

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