Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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September 6th, 2007

05:16 pm - Naruto - Windy Days 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara
Pairing: GaaLee
Type: college AU, slice of life
Warnings: It's exceptionally dull.
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 330
Etc: I finished this up because attempting to write something long with plot is like pulling teeth. Sadly, it sucks, because writing Gaara is damn difficult...and the reason I was taking so long on the plotty fic in the first place. Go figure. Still, this had a point I felt I needed to include, even if the manner it's brought about sucks. It also proves this series isn't quite dead yet.

Windy Days 2 )

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04:10 pm - Naruto - Windy Days
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: college AU, fluff, slice of life
Warnings: gratuitous kitty insertation
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 725
Etc: I love cats, it shows, and I wrote a fluff piece about them. Should I decide to write more college fluff along a line, it'll have this title. Hyoutan = Gourd, Seigi = justice, Hisago = alternate name reading for "hyou." Not sure how I like it, and it was kinda hard to write.

Windy Days )

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03:51 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 10
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: hs AU, romance, fluff
Warnings: oh noes, the word "sex" is in there!
Spoilers: mirrors the timeskip
Word Count: 350
Etc: So much fluff! Blech. This is the last of RwtW, but I may write more when they're in college. I hope I wasn't too hokey incorporating canon this time.

Run with the Wind 10 )

Edit: Fixed the age discrepency.

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03:38 pm - Run with the Wind 9
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee, various
Type: hs au
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 585
Etc: Dissatisfied with this, but it's at least mildly amusing, and beats having a break in the fic. Maybe, one day, I'll write something I like and that has a point. I play fast and loose with pairings because I'll try almost anything outside my OTP.

Run with the Wind 9 )

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03:28 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 7
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: highschool AU, angst
Warnings: kinda creepy
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 250
Etc: This tried to become fluff, I killed that dead. I'm leaving what happened with Yashamaru up to the imagination. Obviously it couldn't be the same, but it was still not good for Gaara's psyche. I may write another section before this chronologically. If I do, the number will change accordingly.

Run with the Wind 7 )

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03:25 pm - Naruto - Blow out the Candles 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: college AU, humor
Warnings: alcohol
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 255
Etc: More silly college stuff. I keep slipping between American and Japanese culture, so it's getting rather inconsistant. 2000 yen is roughly $20. I really should be nicer to poor Neji.

Blow out the Candles 2 )

Edit: Fixed age discrepency, so a few details changed.

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03:23 pm - Naruto - You Suck
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sakura, Sai, Naruto
Pairing: SasuSakuNaruSai ;>.>
Type: humor, highschool AU
Warnings: language, sex, OOC *wince*
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 190
Etc: I should be shot for this. The title is horrible, but kinda sorta works with the wind theme (and it's better than Blow Me.) I'm unsure about how AU Sakura and Sai would act, so it's just terrible. Mildly amusing, but terrible.

You Suck )

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02:46 pm - Naruto - Blown Away 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Lee/Gaara
Type: au, fluff
Warnings: your teeth may rot again
Spoilers: none
Word Count:110
Etc: Follow-up to the last bit of fluff, though I don't like it quite as much. If I write more of this I'll get cavities.

Blown Away 2 )

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02:31 pm - Naruto - Blown Away
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Lee/Gaara
Type: au, fluff
Warnings: your teeth may rot
Spoilers: none
Word Count:145
Etc: I decided to expand on how highschool AU Gaara would get his signature tattoo/scar. This takes place when they're in college. The title seems rather cheesy. This is about as fluffy as it gets with this pairing.

Blown Away )

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01:41 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 6
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sandsibs, Lee, Inuzukas
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: highschool AU, angst
Warnings: family problems, bad writing
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 330
Etc: I'm afraid I'm slipping towards cliche here, I may delete this part. Also considering a new title for the later sections.

Run with the Wind 6 )

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01:33 pm - Naruto - Blow out the Candles
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: highschool AU, humor
Warnings: mentions of sex/sexual things, teens being teens
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 230
Etc: Timeline-wise, Lee's birthday is somewhere in the middle of RwtW part 5 (November). Gaara's nearly coincides with the end of part 5 (January). I'm not sure how well I managed to pull off the humor. This is thanks to [info]smallredfox, because she's so good at traumatizing me . CURSE YOU, KAREN!

Blow out the Candles )

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01:31 pm - Naruto - Changing Winds
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Iruka
Pairing: none
Type: pre-highschool AU, humor
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 240
Etc: Naruto suddenly came up, kicked me, and said “I’m the main character, you dumb bitch. Write about me!” Since he had ideas prepared, I wasn’t about to complain. Part of that same real world AU as Run with the Wind, so I'm lumping them together. The title is kinda random because I was out of ideas.

Changing Winds )

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01:27 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 5
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee, the rest of their age group
Pairing: Lee/Gaara
Type: highschool AU, romance, humor
Warnings: briefly mentioned implied sex
Spoilers: mirrors the Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 500
Etc: Slapped on a half-assed title and made a half-assed ending. Ugh, I really need to work on my writing. I should probably be hit for the title.

Run with the Wind 5 )

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12:22 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 3
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee, the rest of their age group
Pairing: the Gaara+Lee is growing, brief TemarixShikamaru
Type: highschool AU
Warnings: Gaara wears eyeliner
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 620
Etc: Gah, it keeps growing! There's at least one more part after this. Lots of summary but for whatever reason I don't hate it too much.

Run with the Wind 3 )

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12:12 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: none yet, possible Gaara/Lee if I write more
Type: highschool AU
Warnings: Gaara wears eyeliner
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 780
Etc: I'm not sure why I keep writing this, but...here it is. And apparently there's more lurking in my head somewhere, it's just less defined.

Run with the Wind 2 )

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12:00 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 1
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sandsibs, Lee, Naruto
Pairing: none yet, possible Gaara/Lee if I write more
Type: highschool AU
Warnings: Gaara wears eyeliner
Spoilers: canon is very vaguely mirrored
Word Count: 680
Etc: This came out of nowhere, and it's late enough I may decide this is absolutely atrocious later. It's even in present tense, which is weird. There should be a second part eventually.

Run with the Wind 1 )

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