Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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November 24th, 2007

12:21 am - Naruto - Fragments 3
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: past Lee+Sakura, LeexGaara if I can manage it in the future, NarutoxSakura
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, crazy, actual plot
Warnings: Abuse of italics. Like woah
Spoilers: Timeskip
Word Count: 2,045
Etc: I assume that a tokubetsu jounin is actually only a substandard jounin--promoted only because of prowess in one area. The main reason I posted this is because I got so damn sick of editing it and it's crazy long anyway. More of what the hell's going on is revealed! Took me long enough. Unbeta'd, as usual, if you see any mistakes please point them out!

lost in the desert )

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Current Mood: irritated

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October 28th, 2007

05:13 pm - Drabble Prompt 1 - Lee/Gaara Yuri
Series: Naruto (Yes, the icon is Avatar but I wanted genderbender!)
Characters: Lee-centric, Gaara, team 10.
Pairing: Lee+Gaara
Type: Genderbender
Warnings: Femslash, heavy-handedness, Lee projecting his feelings too much, gender-related themes
Spoilers: Chuunin exams, slightly
Word Count: 342
Etc: A gift for [info]everysecondtues, who prompted me here but I was a terrible person and took forever to write it. I'll get the others done, I swear! Apologies to [info]reimars for stealing the tinytext thing, she's a far better writer, go read her! Sorry about the lack of posting, I've been busy and uninspired.

Untitled Lee/Gaara Yuri )
Current Mood: depressed

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September 11th, 2007

04:30 pm - Naruto - Punctuality
Series: Naruto
Characters: Kakashi, Gaara, Lee
Pairing: none
Type: humor, futurefic
Warnings: none, besides it seems a bit rushed
Spoilers: Timeskip
Word Count: 250
Etc: After the latest chapters of Naruto, I had to write a Hokage!Kakashi drabble. Sadly, this one got a bit sidetracked. But hey, I'm not quite dead when it comes to fic!

Punctuality )

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Current Mood: blaaaaaaaaah

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September 6th, 2007

05:20 pm - Naruto - Fragments 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Implied past Lee+Sakura, LeexGaara if I can manage it in the future
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, crazy, possible plot
Warnings: Abuse of italics. Like woah
Spoilers: Timeskip
Word Count: 1,826
Etc: I have the next part partially planned out, but beyond that I'm not sure where this is going, or if I should keep writing it. It's very weird, but hopefully this part makes more sense and stays interesting. Thoughts on Lee's characterization would be much appreciated, or on the style, as they're both not quite what I usually do.

Fragments 2 )

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05:18 pm - Naruto - Fragments 1
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara (sorta)
Pairing: nothing yet, probably LeeGaa
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, mild crazy
Warnings: Some nasty things as survival is never pretty
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1,237
Etc:This idea hit me just as I was falling asleep last night. Though the idea is cliche I'm hoping I can take it somewhere interesting. So much for working on any of my existing WiPs, heh. There will be at least one more part to this, and I might revise this a bit, as parts feel...weird, and not in the way I was intending. It is, however, rather confusing on purpose.

Fragments )

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05:16 pm - Naruto - Windy Days 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara
Pairing: GaaLee
Type: college AU, slice of life
Warnings: It's exceptionally dull.
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 330
Etc: I finished this up because attempting to write something long with plot is like pulling teeth. Sadly, it sucks, because writing Gaara is damn difficult...and the reason I was taking so long on the plotty fic in the first place. Go figure. Still, this had a point I felt I needed to include, even if the manner it's brought about sucks. It also proves this series isn't quite dead yet.

Windy Days 2 )

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05:13 pm - Naruto - Ripples
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Sakura, ensemble.
Pairing: NaruSaku, unrequited others involving those two.
Type: angst, get-together, futurefic
Warnings: depressing, unfinished, character death
Spoilers: Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 446
Etc: I've tried several times to get this to have some kind of conclusion, to no avail. So I'm posting what there is and hoping it'll come to me eventually. Multiple pairings in the fic, as it's focused on the reaction of their peers to Naruto and Sakura hooking up and I decided to include more than just canon. I tried to be fancy with the structure, not sure how well that worked out.

Ripples )

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05:07 pm - Naruto - Undeserved
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Sakura, Team Gai cameo
Pairing: Lee+Sakura, overtones of Sakura+Sasuke[+Naruto]
Type: breakup fic, angst
Warnings: aaaaaaaangst, attempts at imagery
Spoilers: timeskip
Word Count: 465
Etc: I used to like LeeSaku, but I fell out of love. I wrote a breakup fic to try to get into why I think it wouldn't work out. As I'm posting this in a rush right before work, it may get some tidying up later for things like blatant misuse of tenses. And a title. It's rough and could probably use some rearranging of sentences. Ah well, no time now. Slapped on a title.

Breakup )

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04:47 pm - Naruto - Good Night's Sleep
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sandsibs, Lee, Naruto
Pairing: incipient Gaara+Lee
Type: fluff-ish, preslash
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Rescue Gaara Arc
Word Count: 780
Etc: I tried doing one of the prompts for the [info]leegaara love list, but I'm not sure I like how it turned out, so I may not say anything. It's also a bit too similar to a scene in something I'm working on, and I'm afraid having both will be redundant. Oh well.

Good Night's Sleep )

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04:41 pm - Naruto - Dying Dream
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Lee, ensemble
Pairing: nothing but canon implied
Type: futurefic, angst
Warnings: character death, bad writing
Spoilers: Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Akatsuki
Word Count: 250
Etc: The asterisk marks where I originally thought of ending it. I'm not sure how much I like this, it feels...bleh. Oh well. Kinda sorta part of the "What if ____ became the Hokage" series. Edit: I shortened this and like it a lot better now.

Dying Dream )

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04:38 pm - Naruto - Two Trees
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara+Lee
Type: missing scene, preslash, fluff
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Sasuke Retrieval Arc
Word Count: 1460
Etc: I have another version of this that I may finish up and post one day. And all mistakes are blamed on my tipsiness, though most was written before today. Poor canon, I've been neglecting you!

Two Trees )

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04:15 pm - Naruto - Crush
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara+Lee
Type: romance, dark
Warnings: mildly creepy, bad writing.
Spoilers: Sasuke Retrieval arc
Word Count: 620
Etc: After hearing this clip from the Naruto radio show, I felt compelled to try to write something. It's very rough and I don't really like it, but nothing is coming as for ways to improve it.

Crush )

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04:10 pm - Naruto - Windy Days
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: college AU, fluff, slice of life
Warnings: gratuitous kitty insertation
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 725
Etc: I love cats, it shows, and I wrote a fluff piece about them. Should I decide to write more college fluff along a line, it'll have this title. Hyoutan = Gourd, Seigi = justice, Hisago = alternate name reading for "hyou." Not sure how I like it, and it was kinda hard to write.

Windy Days )

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03:51 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 10
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: hs AU, romance, fluff
Warnings: oh noes, the word "sex" is in there!
Spoilers: mirrors the timeskip
Word Count: 350
Etc: So much fluff! Blech. This is the last of RwtW, but I may write more when they're in college. I hope I wasn't too hokey incorporating canon this time.

Run with the Wind 10 )

Edit: Fixed the age discrepency.

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03:38 pm - Run with the Wind 9
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee, various
Type: hs au
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 585
Etc: Dissatisfied with this, but it's at least mildly amusing, and beats having a break in the fic. Maybe, one day, I'll write something I like and that has a point. I play fast and loose with pairings because I'll try almost anything outside my OTP.

Run with the Wind 9 )

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03:28 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 7
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: highschool AU, angst
Warnings: kinda creepy
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 250
Etc: This tried to become fluff, I killed that dead. I'm leaving what happened with Yashamaru up to the imagination. Obviously it couldn't be the same, but it was still not good for Gaara's psyche. I may write another section before this chronologically. If I do, the number will change accordingly.

Run with the Wind 7 )

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03:25 pm - Naruto - Blow out the Candles 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: college AU, humor
Warnings: alcohol
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 255
Etc: More silly college stuff. I keep slipping between American and Japanese culture, so it's getting rather inconsistant. 2000 yen is roughly $20. I really should be nicer to poor Neji.

Blow out the Candles 2 )

Edit: Fixed age discrepency, so a few details changed.

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02:57 pm - Naruto - Unexpected 4 (Rumors)
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Lee/Gaara, various others implied
Type: humor, romance
Warnings: some language
Spoilers: timeskip
Word Count: 3268 (WTF?)
Etc: This covers a fair span of time, I try to indicate that. Fivehead is an insult that came up within my group of friends regarding somebody with a rather large forehead, I figured it fit here. Not sure if there'll be a 5th part covering the time after the confession or not. I'm half-asleep so I'll probably be making corrections later. Not sure how I like this. [Talk about tag overkill.]

Unexpected (Rumors) )

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02:46 pm - Naruto - Blown Away 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Lee/Gaara
Type: au, fluff
Warnings: your teeth may rot again
Spoilers: none
Word Count:110
Etc: Follow-up to the last bit of fluff, though I don't like it quite as much. If I write more of this I'll get cavities.

Blown Away 2 )

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02:31 pm - Naruto - Blown Away
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Lee/Gaara
Type: au, fluff
Warnings: your teeth may rot
Spoilers: none
Word Count:145
Etc: I decided to expand on how highschool AU Gaara would get his signature tattoo/scar. This takes place when they're in college. The title seems rather cheesy. This is about as fluffy as it gets with this pairing.

Blown Away )

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