Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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March 9th, 2010

11:57 pm - Vienna Teng Prompt 1, Naruto
Series: Naruto
Characters: Team 7
Pairing: none
Type: AU, dark, what-if
Warnings: Violence, character death
Spoilers: ch 495
Word Count: 278
Etc: At random I read the last 2 chapters of Naruto and it meshed perfectly with an idea I'd been kicking around forever and what I wish had happened (but knew never would) in that chapter. Needs rewritten, but at least I'm posting something.

1 I know our antebellum innocence / Was never meant to see the light of our armistice day )
Current Mood: crazy
Current Music: Lhasa De Sela - Anywhere On This Road

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September 6th, 2007

05:34 pm - Naruto - Replacement 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sasuke, Naruto, some Jiraiya
Pairing: Implied Sasuke+Naruto
Type: angst
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Sasuke Retrieval Arc
Word Count: 200
Etc: It's missing something necessary to make it not suck, but here it is anyway. Not connected to the other fic with this title in any way but theme. Since I might do more, it gets a tag.

Replacement )

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05:13 pm - Naruto - Ripples
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Sakura, ensemble.
Pairing: NaruSaku, unrequited others involving those two.
Type: angst, get-together, futurefic
Warnings: depressing, unfinished, character death
Spoilers: Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 446
Etc: I've tried several times to get this to have some kind of conclusion, to no avail. So I'm posting what there is and hoping it'll come to me eventually. Multiple pairings in the fic, as it's focused on the reaction of their peers to Naruto and Sakura hooking up and I decided to include more than just canon. I tried to be fancy with the structure, not sure how well that worked out.

Ripples )

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05:11 pm - Naruto - Cyclical
Series: Naruto
Characters: Team 7, Jiraiya
Pairing: Nothing overt
Type: death fic, angst, potential future
Warnings: I'm terrible with main characters, some language and gore
Spoilers: Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 595
Etc: This is lacking something, but I'm fond of the idea and wanted to get it out there. This might've been done before, but as I don't read much fanfic for Naruto I have no idea. Hopefully I didn't fudge the characterization too badly. Perhaps I should add more to it, a drabble might be too little. Gaaah, rambling. Have the "History repeating Sharingan" fic.

Cyclical )

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04:55 pm - Naruto - Hello
Series: Naruto
Characters: Team 7
Pairing: none
Type: random idea expansion
Warnings: dull, bad writing
Spoilers: not a one, as this takes place waaaaay back when they were stuck on D-ranked missions
Word Count: 430
Etc: I explain a bit after the fic...Just another silly, poorly executed idea.

Hello )

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04:51 pm - Naruto - Family
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: none
Type: general, angst
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Sai's past
Word Count: 280
Etc: I don't like how this turned out, but it's helping me work through the writer's block. I wish it had more emotional impact, or something. This came about when I noticed that despite all these mentor/student relationships that border on surrogate parenting, they rarely/never say anything about it. Edit: I forgot about the comment regarding Iruka during Sasuke fight. Oh well, maybe I'll work it in later.

Family )

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04:41 pm - Naruto - Dying Dream
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Lee, ensemble
Pairing: nothing but canon implied
Type: futurefic, angst
Warnings: character death, bad writing
Spoilers: Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Akatsuki
Word Count: 250
Etc: The asterisk marks where I originally thought of ending it. I'm not sure how much I like this, it feels...bleh. Oh well. Kinda sorta part of the "What if ____ became the Hokage" series. Edit: I shortened this and like it a lot better now.

Dying Dream )

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03:38 pm - Run with the Wind 9
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee, various
Type: hs au
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 585
Etc: Dissatisfied with this, but it's at least mildly amusing, and beats having a break in the fic. Maybe, one day, I'll write something I like and that has a point. I play fast and loose with pairings because I'll try almost anything outside my OTP.

Run with the Wind 9 )

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03:23 pm - Naruto - You Suck
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sakura, Sai, Naruto
Pairing: SasuSakuNaruSai ;>.>
Type: humor, highschool AU
Warnings: language, sex, OOC *wince*
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 190
Etc: I should be shot for this. The title is horrible, but kinda sorta works with the wind theme (and it's better than Blow Me.) I'm unsure about how AU Sakura and Sai would act, so it's just terrible. Mildly amusing, but terrible.

You Suck )

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02:57 pm - Naruto - Unexpected 4 (Rumors)
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Lee/Gaara, various others implied
Type: humor, romance
Warnings: some language
Spoilers: timeskip
Word Count: 3268 (WTF?)
Etc: This covers a fair span of time, I try to indicate that. Fivehead is an insult that came up within my group of friends regarding somebody with a rather large forehead, I figured it fit here. Not sure if there'll be a 5th part covering the time after the confession or not. I'm half-asleep so I'll probably be making corrections later. Not sure how I like this. [Talk about tag overkill.]

Unexpected (Rumors) )

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01:31 pm - Naruto - Changing Winds
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Iruka
Pairing: none
Type: pre-highschool AU, humor
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 240
Etc: Naruto suddenly came up, kicked me, and said “I’m the main character, you dumb bitch. Write about me!” Since he had ideas prepared, I wasn’t about to complain. Part of that same real world AU as Run with the Wind, so I'm lumping them together. The title is kinda random because I was out of ideas.

Changing Winds )

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12:22 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 3
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee, the rest of their age group
Pairing: the Gaara+Lee is growing, brief TemarixShikamaru
Type: highschool AU
Warnings: Gaara wears eyeliner
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 620
Etc: Gah, it keeps growing! There's at least one more part after this. Lots of summary but for whatever reason I don't hate it too much.

Run with the Wind 3 )

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September 5th, 2007

05:32 pm - Naruto - Replacement
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke in spirit
Type: romance, angst
Pairings: SasuSakuNaru unrequited
Warnings: PG13 for implied sexual stuff
Spoilers: post-timeskip, nothing specific
Word Count: 185
Etc: Funny how henge can be so sad...or melodramatic. *sigh*

Replacement )

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05:14 pm - WotD drabble - Naruto, Specious
specious \SPEE-shuhs\, adjective:
1. Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct, but not so in reality; as, "specious reasoning; a specious argument."
2. Deceptively pleasing or attractive.

Series: Naruto
Characters: Sakura, Naruto
Type: Angst, futurefic
Spoilers: Sasuke retrieval arc
Warnings: Character death
Status: complete, drabble
Word Count: 100
Etc: This sure beats doing homework. I grabbed a semi-suitable WotD for the title, subject to change. I rather like how this turned out. (In fact, this is probably the only fic I'm proud of and don't hate at all.)

Specious )

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