Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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September 6th, 2007

04:47 pm - Naruto - Good Night's Sleep
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sandsibs, Lee, Naruto
Pairing: incipient Gaara+Lee
Type: fluff-ish, preslash
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Rescue Gaara Arc
Word Count: 780
Etc: I tried doing one of the prompts for the [info]leegaara love list, but I'm not sure I like how it turned out, so I may not say anything. It's also a bit too similar to a scene in something I'm working on, and I'm afraid having both will be redundant. Oh well.

Good Night's Sleep )

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03:38 pm - Run with the Wind 9
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee, various
Type: hs au
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 585
Etc: Dissatisfied with this, but it's at least mildly amusing, and beats having a break in the fic. Maybe, one day, I'll write something I like and that has a point. I play fast and loose with pairings because I'll try almost anything outside my OTP.

Run with the Wind 9 )

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03:25 pm - Naruto - Blow out the Candles 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: Gaara/Lee
Type: college AU, humor
Warnings: alcohol
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 255
Etc: More silly college stuff. I keep slipping between American and Japanese culture, so it's getting rather inconsistant. 2000 yen is roughly $20. I really should be nicer to poor Neji.

Blow out the Candles 2 )

Edit: Fixed age discrepency, so a few details changed.

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12:22 pm - Naruto - Run with the Wind 3
Series: Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Lee, the rest of their age group
Pairing: the Gaara+Lee is growing, brief TemarixShikamaru
Type: highschool AU
Warnings: Gaara wears eyeliner
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 620
Etc: Gah, it keeps growing! There's at least one more part after this. Lots of summary but for whatever reason I don't hate it too much.

Run with the Wind 3 )

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September 5th, 2007

05:47 pm - Naruto - Unexpected 2 (Matchmaker)
Series: Naruto
Characters: Sandsibs, Baki
Type: humor, romance
Pairings: incipient Gaara+Lee
Warnings: PG13 for language
Spoilers: set during the timeskip
Status: finished
Word Count: 2,001
Etc: I'd had this idea bouncing around, and then I decided to make it part of the Unexpected (First Kiss) series and flowed out pretty quickly after that. It's set after Sakura tries explaining love to Gaara but before he approaches Lee, as his brother and sister try to set him up. If you're violently opposed to one-time Sakura+Gaara, then I suppose the first part is skippable if you don't mind missing the build-up. I plan on writing at least one more part for when Gaara gives Lee flowers. I hope the hell I didn't mangle personalities too badly. Also, since "somebody gives Gaara 'the talk'" has been done before, I skimmed over most of it.

Unexpected [Matchmaker] )

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