Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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November 24th, 2007

12:21 am - Naruto - Fragments 3
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: past Lee+Sakura, LeexGaara if I can manage it in the future, NarutoxSakura
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, crazy, actual plot
Warnings: Abuse of italics. Like woah
Spoilers: Timeskip
Word Count: 2,045
Etc: I assume that a tokubetsu jounin is actually only a substandard jounin--promoted only because of prowess in one area. The main reason I posted this is because I got so damn sick of editing it and it's crazy long anyway. More of what the hell's going on is revealed! Took me long enough. Unbeta'd, as usual, if you see any mistakes please point them out!

lost in the desert )

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Current Mood: irritated

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September 6th, 2007

05:20 pm - Naruto - Fragments 2
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara
Pairing: Implied past Lee+Sakura, LeexGaara if I can manage it in the future
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, crazy, possible plot
Warnings: Abuse of italics. Like woah
Spoilers: Timeskip
Word Count: 1,826
Etc: I have the next part partially planned out, but beyond that I'm not sure where this is going, or if I should keep writing it. It's very weird, but hopefully this part makes more sense and stays interesting. Thoughts on Lee's characterization would be much appreciated, or on the style, as they're both not quite what I usually do.

Fragments 2 )

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05:18 pm - Naruto - Fragments 1
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Gaara (sorta)
Pairing: nothing yet, probably LeeGaa
Type: weird introspective, futurefic, mild crazy
Warnings: Some nasty things as survival is never pretty
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1,237
Etc:This idea hit me just as I was falling asleep last night. Though the idea is cliche I'm hoping I can take it somewhere interesting. So much for working on any of my existing WiPs, heh. There will be at least one more part to this, and I might revise this a bit, as parts feel...weird, and not in the way I was intending. It is, however, rather confusing on purpose.

Fragments )

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05:13 pm - Naruto - Ripples
Series: Naruto
Characters: Naruto, Sakura, ensemble.
Pairing: NaruSaku, unrequited others involving those two.
Type: angst, get-together, futurefic
Warnings: depressing, unfinished, character death
Spoilers: Sasuke retrieval arc
Word Count: 446
Etc: I've tried several times to get this to have some kind of conclusion, to no avail. So I'm posting what there is and hoping it'll come to me eventually. Multiple pairings in the fic, as it's focused on the reaction of their peers to Naruto and Sakura hooking up and I decided to include more than just canon. I tried to be fancy with the structure, not sure how well that worked out.

Ripples )

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05:07 pm - Naruto - Undeserved
Series: Naruto
Characters: Lee, Sakura, Team Gai cameo
Pairing: Lee+Sakura, overtones of Sakura+Sasuke[+Naruto]
Type: breakup fic, angst
Warnings: aaaaaaaangst, attempts at imagery
Spoilers: timeskip
Word Count: 465
Etc: I used to like LeeSaku, but I fell out of love. I wrote a breakup fic to try to get into why I think it wouldn't work out. As I'm posting this in a rush right before work, it may get some tidying up later for things like blatant misuse of tenses. And a title. It's rough and could probably use some rearranging of sentences. Ah well, no time now. Slapped on a title.

Breakup )

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04:51 pm - Naruto - Family
Series: Naruto
Characters: ensemble
Pairing: none
Type: general, angst
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Sai's past
Word Count: 280
Etc: I don't like how this turned out, but it's helping me work through the writer's block. I wish it had more emotional impact, or something. This came about when I noticed that despite all these mentor/student relationships that border on surrogate parenting, they rarely/never say anything about it. Edit: I forgot about the comment regarding Iruka during Sasuke fight. Oh well, maybe I'll work it in later.

Family )

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September 5th, 2007

04:59 pm - Hikaru no Go - Third One Between
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Touya, Shindou
Type: breakup, angst, drama
Pairings: HikaAki
Warnings: PG13 for angst, sexual references
Spoilers: nothing specific
Status: unfinished?
Word Count: 655
Etc: written for Blind Go, original post here, writing comm post.

Third One Between )

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04:54 pm - Hikaru no Go - Talent
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Kaga, Tsutsui, Sai
Type: AU
Pairings: none so far
Warnings: Kaga
Spoilers: it's an AU
Status: unfinished
Word Count: 615
Etc: Submitted to Blind Go but written long before that. I've had this idea bouncing around for some time. Original post, writing comm post Might be continued in the future.

Talent )

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12:55 pm - Kyou kara Maou - Untitled Wolfram piece
Series: Kyou kara Maou
Character: Wolfram
Count: 546
Etc: No real spoilers, possible incorrent spork reference, no time frame besides earlier in the series with some references to events therein. It's more a personal character study I wrote a while ago to try to figure out how I see Wolfram.

Untitled Wolfram Snippet )

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03:16 am - Hikaru no Go - Unspoken
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Kaga, Tsutsui
Type: general angst, shounen ai, Tsutsui PoV
Pairings: KagaTsui
Warnings: PG13 for teenage hormones and angst
Spoilers: none, really
Status: unfinished, unedited, general suckage
Original post

So, here's a fic that I can't recall putting online before. Enjoy?
Tentative Title: Iiotosu (unspoken) )

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