Harry Potter RPG Ads
The community rules were borrowed (and modified) with permission from [info]find_a_game

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February 17th, 2009



Hallowed Ground


What will you imagine?

Hallowed Ground is a game for writers, for creative spirits, for people who can see the stories yet untold. We work within the canon of Deathly Hallows, expanding the scope of the war far past the canvas walls of the Trio's tent and into Hogwarts, Shell Cottage, Malfoy Manor, Diagon Alley and beyond. We accept applications for any character mentioned in canon who is known to be alive, and encourage insightful takes on both characters we already know and particularly ones we've barely met. Everyone has a story to tell, memories in the making, and they're happening on Hallowed Ground.

We are community driven, with lots of player input and assistance. Founding moderators rotate with elected Player moderators, preventing power trips and encouraging player participation while still providing the necessary assistance and guidance to make a game run smoothly. Two levels of activity allow for whatever commitment you're able to make to the game. In short, we are a respectful, laid-back, friendly group of writers having a little fun in our free time, and we would love to have others seeking the same join us.

Currently we are hoping to recast characters who have left us. All resignations have been completely amicable; none have been due to player conflicts or OOC drama. In the majority of cases, these characters have not seen a large amount of action in the game, and can thusly be created as though they are new characters. Several have attached notations describing elements (mainly backstory) to be carried through. Almost all have plot they could be a part of and are very much wanted by players already cast.

Actively Seeking Applications For:
Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Michael Corner
Tracey Davis, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Su Li
Draco Malfoy, Lisa Turpin, Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell
Penelope Clearwater, Lee Jordan, Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Or check out our complete list of open characters here!

Rules & Premise | FAQ | Application | Castlist | Available Characters


[No Subject]


premise.rules.character list.played-bys.application.in-character community.classifieds journal.out-of-character community.

What began as a silly little prank among friends has ended up as a school wide fad.

A few ambitious Gryffindors decided that since they were unable to find dates to the Halloween Ball, they would create a journal were they could post 'single ads'. This journal was accessible by any female or male in seventh year and served as an anonymous way for girls and boys to 'hook-up'.

A Slytherin who wished to remain anonymous has taken the idea on step further. He set up a service where for two galleons anyone could send in their ad and have it open for response from anyone from the four houses. He assigned each person a codename that they could use when responding and required that the users only contact each other anonymously in the ad journal until the springtime when he is planning a revealing ball when everyone who spoke in the ads could meet face to face. He calls himself 'Romeo".

When Severus Snape, the current headmaster, finds out about the journal ad service, he consults the teachers at Hogwarts. It is concluded that while inappropriate on so many levels, it is fostering a sense of togetherness. It is bringing together students from rival houses.

We are a 6th and 7th year game that is focusing on relationships and dating.


Come join us at Wizarding Singles - we're open to all types.
However, we'll do especially naughty things to you if you bring us one of the following characters:

Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
Tracey Davis*
Theodore Nott
Gregory Goyle
Vincent Crabbe
? Montague
Montgomery Twins
Wayne Hopkins

premise.rules.character list.played-bys.application.in-character community.classifieds journal.out-of-character community.


[No Subject]



Twenty-six years after the fall of Voldemort, the Wizarding World has, luckily, been void of any more dark wizards. The survivors of the second wizarding war went on to live normal lives... well, as normal as they can be when you're considered a celebrity.
Afterwards follows the children of the heroes, seven years after the epilogue. Did Albus get into Gryffindor? Did Rose stay away from Scorpius like her father asked her? Did Teddy and Victoire stay together?
It's up to you.

main communityrules + how to postholds + pbsapplicationcharacter directorywanted