May 16th, 2008

[info]jadedheart in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eight: Wednesday

Who: Jade and Jerzy
When: early evening
Where: the Towers' mail room, main floor

Jade had been able to make her way over from the Grand to the Old Town Towers earlier than she might've been ordinarily due to the weather. From late afternoon on, the skies were dark and the clouds low. All she had to do was put on a hooded jacket with the hood pulled down halfway obscuring her face as she walked to the car she'd borrowed from a co-worker. She actually liked cool, cloudy weather, which was a good thing considering that she was living in Seattle. There'd been very little of it where she'd grown up.

She'd spent a while in the office talking to the leasing manager about renting an apartment, something she'd been thinking about since she'd visited Tony here. Despite the fact that living and working at the Grand had worked out well for her so far, she was intrigued by the idea of living in a building that contained other supernaturals. According to her Sire, there were several vampires here besides himself. She'd thought that it might be a good idea to live closer to him, as well, considering that he'd agreed to assist her with the skills that were latent within her since he'd turned her.

She had no interest in living too close to him, though, which was why she'd decided to rent a one-bedroom place on the second floor. She'd discussed having the windows tinted with the leasing agent, something she never would have thought of had Tony not mentioned it to her. The interview had gone well, and she'd been shown the apartment and signed the papers on it. She'd be able to move in by the weekend.

Once she was finished with her business, she'd decided to wander around the place and see what amenities were offered. She'd taken the elevator to the top floor to check out the pool area and the enclosed gardens, noticing that everything seemed to be in terrific shape. She particularly enjoyed the gardens in the dim natural light. The residents' floors, while attractive, seemed to be pretty much the same, so she didn't linger there, but exited the elevator on the main floor. Before long, she'd have to drive back to the Grand and her evening's work.

Jade wandered through the commons area, idly glancing around and nodding to the occasional person she encountered, then crossed the corridor past the elevators, heading in an aimless way toward the lobby and the front doors. Fishing in the pocket of her coat for the car keys, she looked into the mail room area that was just to the left of the main entrance... and stopped. There was someone in there who looked very familiar, and she blinked as she stared at his back. No way. Could that possibly be Jerzy Luvic, here at Old Town Towers?
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